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a month ago Feb 06,2025, 14:00:42 PM

The Datavault Update is out now!

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Hello Space Marines 🫡

The 6.0 "Datavault" Update is out! 🎉🎉

This update brings more free content and much-requested quality-of-life improvements to all players whilst granting Season Pass owners with evermore cosmetics to customize their Space Marines.

Watch the trailer now! 👇

New challenges and rewards in the Datavault! 📚

Directly accessible through the Armoury, today’s main addition comes in the form of the Datavault, a brand new Battle-Barge chamber where Tech-Priests collect and store intel on the many enemies of the Imperium.datavault.jpg

By completing Ordeals, you will accumulate Research Data that you will be able to trade for Requisition Points and new cosmetics like pauldron markings, weapon skins (Thunder Hammer, Auto Bolt Rifle) and even new armor pieces (breastplate, gauntlet).


New map in Eternal War & Biovore in Operations

 Eternal War mode gets a brand new Necron-themed PvP map named “Tomb”. 🪦 Operations players on the other hand, will need to keep an eye out for the new Tyranid Biovore, a devastating Majoris enemy able to deal damage both from afar and up close. 🦂

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MagnusClientProfile_TOMB_04 (1).jpgMagnusClientProfile_TOMB_02 (1).jpg

Season Pass brings the Raven Guard and Salamanders 🐦‍⬛🦎

Season Pass owners today receive the Raven Guard Cosmetic Pack and the Salamanders Champion Pack. The first comes with the iconic, fan-favourite Mark VI “Corvus” helmet (with and without emblem!) and over 40 cosmetics to celebrate the Raven Guard Successor Chapters, while the latter brings a new Champion skin for the Sniper class and an exclusive Bolt Sniper Rifle skin.

SM2_Salamanders_ChampionPack_KeyArt (3).jpgSM2_Salamanders_ChampionPack_screenshot_08.jpg
SM2_RavenGuard_CosmeticPack_KeyArt.jpg6.0 “DATAVAULT” UPDATE.jpg

The Raven Guard comes with 8 Successor Chapters, take a look:Successor Chapters RG.png

“Absolute” Difficulty, amidst big QoL improvements

The Datavault update also brings the sixth and final difficulty setting, aptly named “Absolute”, as well as significant quality-of-life features. These include the addition of:

 - an opt-in/opt-out Crossplay feature in PvP matches, 

 - an FOV slider on PC, 

 - a number of tweaks to class perks, 

 - and a “currency exchange” allowing players to trade their Armoury Data for rarer tiers or even Requisition Points! 

More details can be found in our patch notes.SpaceMarine2_PatchNote_6_Datavault_1920x1080.jpg

Space Marine 2 is available now PC and consoles. 

Create your Focus Together account to receive exclusive rewards, and join the community and development of the game! 

The Emperor Protects ⭐

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 4:15:36 PM

The game edition should be upgradable from normal to gold or ultra and from gold to ultra without paying for the game copy which you will not receive. Right now if we want to upgrade we are required to pay the full price again. The heavy champion pack is locked behind the ultra edition, it should be available separately.

The Assault class needs changes for coop mode ASAP.

Read the ideas forum.

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 5:43:31 PM

Theodocious wrote:

Absolutely Nothing in this game should have been nerfed.

Agreed. They "fixed" the ammo perk on Tactuical AND nerfed the launcher... frankly it should have been one or the other. Oh and the perk isn't fixed at all for normal weapons, if you have a full magazine and depleted reserves the perk goes off and nothing happens. It ONLY refills current magazine. If that is intended that is fine but it should then get the "won't trigger when full" the equipment recharge perks got.

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 5:45:51 PM

Absolutely none of the player's weapons or abilities should have been nerfed in this game.  Period.  Please undo those nerfs.

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 6:48:19 PM

Good to have something new

1 pvp map

1 new difficulty

1 enemy unit

 recolors, green black

 add many new maps please and horde mode in kadaku against tyranids

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 7:49:49 PM

"The key takeaway for me, personally, is that I forgot that once the game comes out, it's no longer a dev's game. It's yours first and foremost."

Remember this quote from the 4.1 Patch ? If so then please explain the following odd statement of yours. Screenshot_20250206-204727~2.png

Where's is the god damn issue to give us this specific helmet without any emblem/ornament or whatever? It surprisingly works with the Mk VI Corvus but not for the Mk VIII? I would like to hear/read an explanation. 

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 7:52:21 PM

please just revert the nerfs and maybe work on giving assault a healing option he is the only one who does not have one out of the melee focused classes 

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a month ago
Feb 6, 2025, 10:53:24 PM

Hi, I dont wish to sound silly but how do you use the emotes in game?

EDIT: Press B on the keyboard.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 7, 2025, 2:19:16 PM

Ik its a big ask but in a few years, if you decide to add Terminators. I think a good faction and champion for them would be The Grey Knights!!

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a month ago
Feb 7, 2025, 2:41:28 PM

​Right so the 6.0 update just released and im looking at the Datavault/Ordeals. The issue is that i have zero progress on for example "perfect parries" even though i have 60 hours in the game? Is there a reason why my previous actions didn't carry over from before the update? Cause i have seen alot of people who have pretty much unlocked everything already, but for me it doesn't seem to have registered i have even played the game. I also have Tactical level 25, but apparently zero progress on the "As Tactical, kill enemies after marking them with Auspex Scan"​

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a month ago
Feb 7, 2025, 2:51:44 PM

I don't see where I can buy "new cosmetics like pauldron markings, weapon skins (Thunder Hammer, Auto Bolt Rifle) and even new armor pieces (breastplate, gauntlet)."  in the research centre. I can buy info on stuff, but that's it.

Found it at the top left bar.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 7, 2025, 3:41:39 PM

isolated_punk wrote:

please just revert the nerfs and maybe work on giving assault a healing option he is the only one who does not have one out of the melee focused classes 

Well not all nerfs (GL was OP as hell) but yeah, the assault class being the weakest of them all got even weaker now. Could use some healing ability. Don't feel like playing it at all

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a month ago
Feb 7, 2025, 9:52:07 PM

So what about constant crashes on Xbox ? 6 months after release and game is still unplayable 

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 12:01:16 PM

Hi @Hylia

I hope this message finds you well! First off, I want to express my deep appreciation for *Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2*. The passion and effort poured into this game are evident—it’s an absolute masterpiece, and I’m thoroughly hooked.  

I’m writing to share feedback about the recent adjustment to the Vanguard’s **Adrenaline Rush** perk. As a dedicated Vanguard player, I’d incorporated this perk into my build and finally managed to conquer Ruthless-difficulty Operations thanks to its earlier iteration. However, since the nerf, its effectiveness has diminished significantly. While I understand balancing is crucial (and acknowledge that top-tier players might have exploited its former strength), the current 5% health boost post-execution feels underwhelming, especially in high-difficulty scenarios.  

Would the team consider revisiting this perk’s tuning? Even a slight buff—or a scaling effect tied to difficulty—could make it viable again for players like me who relish the Vanguard’s role as the Emperor’s shield. I’d hate to abandon a playstyle I love due to a single perk’s limitations.  

Thank you for always listening to the community. Your dedication to refining this game is why it shines. Keep up the stellar work—the Emperor protects, and so do you! 💪

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 5:02:52 PM

Xenoslayer69 wrote:

isolated_punk wrote:

please just revert the nerfs and maybe work on giving assault a healing option he is the only one who does not have one out of the melee focused classes 

Well not all nerfs (GL was OP as hell) but yeah, the assault class being the weakest of them all got even weaker now. Could use some healing ability. Don't feel like playing it at all

I dont rlly know how good the grenade launcher is as i a a very melee focused player but i do know my friend who wasn't that good at thw game loved it because he felt like he could defend himself  and alot of people thought it was fun  but i understand nonetheless  it wasnt supposed to be like that 

But yeah the other nerfs seem kinda pointless as an assault main i literally feel like they made the hammer inadvertently not as good because i relied on getting my gun strike damages for armour back but now i only get 1 in a crowd its instantly gone I'm not sure why they nerfed the weakest class in the game

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 5:51:30 PM

All nerfed/buffed equipment and new content aside, SP2 runs very poorly now since this latest update - whereas it was running extremely well before...enough that I'm putting game aside until whatever was broken is fixed (playing on PC on a system that was running 4k/120+hz before 6.0 patch).  Hope there's a fix coming through!

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 10:17:49 PM

I’ve absolutely been loving the new content this patch update! However, my only complaint is that I think ABSOLUTE difficulty feels almost too easy for some reason, despite having 3 extremis enemies at a time.

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