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AI Director Needs to be less punishing at Minimal

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a month ago
Oct 29, 2024, 6:21:54 PM

Just went into a minimal inferno to level up a weapon at level 25. Encountered two massive waves in addition to four or five normal waves, two pairs zenothtopes, a single zenothrope, a Neurothrope etc. and that’s not counting majoris calls for reinforcements. In my opinion, that’s a little much for a minimal. I had no problems managing it, but I could see how someone looking for a less congestive experience or someone starting out would be overwhelmed. Pretty much had to button mash my way through the whole operation which became a little tedious. 

Minimal should be an environment where people have the time and space to learn and master the needed skills for the higher level ops, not be overwhelmed and rely on button mashing to survive. Don’t make it a cakewalk, but definitely tone it down to the point where it’s a benefit to skill development for new or lower level players.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Oct 29, 2024, 7:48:16 PM

According to the devs the success rate after 3.0 was 95% on minimal, dropping to 93% after 4.0. The recent patch, 4.1, saw extremis spawn rates go back to 3.0. Only around one in 20 operations on minimal fail - what would you like to see, 100% success rates perhaps…there needs to be some level of challenge to build for higher difficulties.

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a month ago
Oct 30, 2024, 6:19:35 PM

Odd I've never ran into those on Average. However, I haven't played minimal since I was still starting out in operations, if I want to level a new weapon I always run average.

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a month ago
Oct 31, 2024, 12:38:03 AM

I'm 95% certain the AI director takes the level of the players, but not the level of the weaponry equipped.  Average @ 25 with white weapons is worse almost every time than Ruthless @ 20 with purple weapons.

Updated a month ago.
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