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Players are leaving PVP matches

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2 days ago
Oct 31, 2024, 6:48:33 AM

Testing the Eternal War game modes, specifically the Annihilation and Seize Ground modes, the moment there is a group of 3 players playing together, they become so powerful that they monopolize the game, which causes the rest of the players to abandon the game.

The power of those 3 players as a team is so strong compared to the other 9 solo players, that the players of the opposing team usually abandon the game before it ends, and when the game ends, the rest do.

I don't know if the program in PVP mode takes into account groups of players (teams of up to 3), but apparently it doesn't. It would be good if when it comes to gathering players for the game, it would equalize players in teams for each side.

A review of the PVP balance would also be appreciated, so that 3 players cannot monopolize a game of 12 people.

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2 days ago
Oct 31, 2024, 10:52:44 AM

I haven't experienced this too much but I agree the balance is way off.
Matches are often very skewed (level/skill wise) which leads to very lopsided win/loses > then people leave and the MM doesn't solve the issue.
Even some matches with uneven numbers of players on both sides (4 vs 5 e.g)

Not sure how to solve the 3 stack though, it is hard to match their level of teamwork with randoms unfortunately.

With that said, I think the PvP is a lot of fun - with new maps and much better MM this could be gold.

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