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Cross class weapon unlocks (so long as it remains lore/tt compliant)

Let us unlock em all
Most weapons but leave some restricted
Keep things as is
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8 days ago
Feb 2, 2025, 3:19:02 PM

Pretty simple idea, as of now ranking a weapon up to max (maxing out the Relic tier) offers no real benefit at the moment. So, what if you maxing it out allowed you to unlock it on another class if you spent a Relic token on it? (Getting another mastery point has been talked about, but I will assume that for the sake of this thread it has been shot down.) Some exceptions would apply though, like Sniper weapons (Las-fusil or the Bolt Sniper Rifle) on the Sniper class, as well as the Plasma Cannon and Multi-Melta from the Heavy as examples cept maybe the Heavy Bolter as in the campaign there is a variant that is mag fed (I think) which could allow it's usage on other classes (maybe). Maybe some weapons are classified as "multi-classable" to let you know if you fulfill the requirements, you can now use a weapon you like on more classes in the future. Keep in mind, this is for PVE ONLY. Pvp is not considered as I do believe in that mode, weapon restrictions should remain as is to keep that mode balanced. Also I wish to add, Primary weapons will stay as primaries. Secondary's as secondary's etc.

Why though? I am sure some may be asking? Mostly it comes down to opening up some more weapon types and playstyles as well as just adding a reward and reason for players to play other classes. Another big reason, is to help with the single class restrictions that prevents players from levelling up X weapon because, guess what, only 1 or two classes at max can use it. Been trying to max out that Power Sword? People are already annoyed that it sticks you into games where a class is already in use, and while (as an example) the Assault may not be your favourite class, but you could still get xp on the Power Sword if you'd maxed it out on the Bulwark, letting you now use it on other class. This is assuming that the unlock would act as a kind of "re-up/prestige" for the weapon(s) in question. If this was implemented, I myself am not sure if letting other classes start with a maxed out cross class weapon would be good or bad to be honest. Though I say it'd be fine as we already have a Bolt Pistol as an example which many classes can already use on one, get xp on it, then use it on another when it has tiered up on another lower level class. So, there is that.

Here is an example for different playstyles. Heavies as of now have access to 3 main weapons. The Heavy Bolter, the Multi-Melta and the Heavy Plasma Incinerator. But, if you ranked up the Heavy Bolt Rifle on the Tac. You can now use it on the Heavy to let you use a more rifle styled bolter, but, keep it: 

A) tablet top friendly/compliant 

B)Still lean more towards the Heavy using chunkier and heavy hitting weapons (like the Heavy Bolt Pistol....which it can also use in tt)
But why then would you sacrifice a Heavy Bolter to downgrade to a Heavy Bolt Rifle? To which I say, they would then be allowed to use a melee weapon if they use a weapon that is like the HBR.  Now, that said, there would be some restrictions, as they perhaps couldn't use a Thunder Hammer or a Power fist, but a Knife and Chainsword would certainly be candidates to let them do something different. Perks on classes would help with choosing a weapon style (bolt, plasma, melta) to give a bonus to them, even though it hard locks you as is because loadouts, as of right now, ​DO NOT SWAP PERKS. They only swap weapons. A fix I am sure will come at some point.

Bottom line, the current system is restrictive and stifling. And yes, some choices are not going to be meta by any stretch. But we already know what the meta weapons are. We already know the builds. Those wouldn't be going anywhere if this was added. But it would certainly (hopefully once more) incentivize players to play more classes and use different weapons on different classes and give more playstyles to others. Thanks for reading this wall of text if you get this far. Also feel free to add things you think would be good in tandem with these suggestions.

Updated 6 days ago.
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7 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 2:45:26 PM

Not needed.

A solid re-design of the weapon perk trees and re-balance of class perks will take care of the meta. (something the dev team has not yet done but are working on)

As for limited options, i deffo like it as is, forces you to grind more then just one class, but more importantly it assists in keeping you in the game as you have a lot of stuff to grind. The last thing this game needs is 3 different classes in a coop that behaves basicly the same. Then you could just basicly eliminate all 6 classes and have them be replaced by one: Tactical.

F2P game Rogue Company did the exact same change as you have suggested by allowing all characters the option to use all weapons in the game. It destroyed the core identity of the game outright and it became a lifeless 3rd person shooter.

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7 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 3:13:55 PM

Raffafa wrote:

Not needed.

A solid re-design of the weapon perk trees and re-balance of class perks will take care of the meta. (something the dev team has not yet done but are working on)

As for limited options, i deffo like it as is, forces you to grind more then just one class, but more importantly it assists in keeping you in the game as you have a lot of stuff to grind. The last thing this game needs is 3 different classes in a coop that behaves basicly the same. Then you could just basicly eliminate all 6 classes and have them be replaced by one: Tactical.

F2P game Rogue Company did the exact same change as you have suggested by allowing all characters the option to use all weapons in the game. It destroyed the core identity of the game outright and it became a lifeless 3rd person shooter.

Until you and someone else need to rank up the same weapon/class. Then you are stuck in the stand off of who is swapping. And while the perk rework is on the way, I am also not saying all weapons on all classes either as I said in the above post. But even the tabletop (and in lore) lets you use most of these weapons across the available ones we do have. It doesn't break balance as what we have on some classes are already broken, like a grenade launcher with the bolter attached. Putting an Auto Bolt Rifle on a Vanguard wouldn't break balance, not even close. Nor would putting a knife on a Tac. As I am not even asking for the meta to be rid of at all nor nerfs for said things. And when it comes to grinding more, you would also be doing this with cross class stuff while you are playing them anyway. It'd also alleviate the wait for actual new weapons to be added and not have it stuck on only 1 or two classes, something they thankfully didn't do with the Volkite as that is on 3 classes to use. And said sub classes would be infinitely easier to implement than a new one from the ground up, sides, some can't be added for Lore reasons like the Chaplain. As we already have 1 in the game and ain't no way Titus can tell a Chaplain what to do for Operations. Unless they explain why a Chaplain from a different company is around. Librarian couldn't be added due to the "shadow in the warp" with the Nids around.

Updated 7 days ago.
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6 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 8:50:34 PM

I think the heavy should not have melee and other classes should not get the heavy's weapons but I do think all classes should have access to all sidearms, there is no reason an Assault or Tactical should not have access to a plasma pistol, for instance. The Thunder Hammer should remain only on the Assault and the Power Fist should likewise remain only on to the two melee classes (Bulwark and Assault) but the Chainsword, Power Sword, and Combat Blade (aka knife) should be available to all classes (except Heavy, as mentioned)

The BSR and Las Fusil should remain sniper only but the other non-Heavy/Sniper exclusive ranged weapons should be available to the three classes with a primary ranged weapon (Vanguard, Tactical, Sniper) The vanguard and Tactical need an "exclusive weapon" and I guess the Tactical can have the Plasma Incinerator as an exclusive but the Vanguard simply doesn't have a weapon you can't also find on Tactical except the Occultus (I honestly forget if Tactical has that) but hat doesn't really count since it is just a bust fire variant of the marksman variant of Bolt Carbine.

ALL weapons should not be available to ALL classes however all but the BSR and Heavy Bolter "bolt" family weapons should be available to all classes with a Primary, all but the Thunder Hammer and Power Fist should be available to all classes with a melee weapon, and all secondary weapons should be available to all classes.

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6 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 9:47:08 PM

No thanks. Already not enough to grind for. If this suggestion had been implemented, I would’ve been done with everything a month ago. And waiting for new stuff to do is already an issue. Experimenting with different classes and weapon combos is the only longevity that currently exists. 

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6 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 11:51:59 PM

Erebus wrote:

No thanks. Already not enough to grind for. If this suggestion had been implemented, I would’ve been done with everything a month ago. And waiting for new stuff to do is already an issue. Experimenting with different classes and weapon combos is the only longevity that currently exists. 

With a name like that I don't think we should put much stock in your opinion.

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6 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 6:58:06 AM

Shining_Darkness wrote:

I think the heavy should not have melee and other classes should not get the heavy's weapons but I do think all classes should have access to all sidearms, there is no reason an Assault or Tactical should not have access to a plasma pistol, for instance. The Thunder Hammer should remain only on the Assault and the Power Fist should likewise remain only on to the two melee classes (Bulwark and Assault) but the Chainsword, Power Sword, and Combat Blade (aka knife) should be available to all classes (except Heavy, as mentioned)

The BSR and Las Fusil should remain sniper only but the other non-Heavy/Sniper exclusive ranged weapons should be available to the three classes with a primary ranged weapon (Vanguard, Tactical, Sniper) The vanguard and Tactical need an "exclusive weapon" and I guess the Tactical can have the Plasma Incinerator as an exclusive but the Vanguard simply doesn't have a weapon you can't also find on Tactical except the Occultus (I honestly forget if Tactical has that) but hat doesn't really count since it is just a bust fire variant of the marksman variant of Bolt Carbine.

ALL weapons should not be available to ALL classes however all but the BSR and Heavy Bolter "bolt" family weapons should be available to all classes with a Primary, all but the Thunder Hammer and Power Fist should be available to all classes with a melee weapon, and all secondary weapons should be available to all classes.

By the sounds of, it seems you would want things that are "standard issue" to be able to be used on more classes. Which I can get behind, And appreciate the response and perspective. And I do completely agree as I also picked the second option of having some restrictions like you yourself said. Sniper weapons remain on Snipers exclusively, and Heavy weapons should remain on Heavies. Only one I could see being used by say a Tac is the Heavy Bolter, but it'd be similar to the mag fed variation found in the campaign. But I wouldn't want the version the Heavy uses on anyone else but him. But even in the Tabletop, an Intercessor can use the HBR. And a Tac can use the Knife. As is, Tac has more class locked weapons than any other class. Given it is trained to use them all to be fair. But, once more, said weapons are useable by at least two other classes.

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6 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 7:06:08 AM

Erebus wrote:

No thanks. Already not enough to grind for. If this suggestion had been implemented, I would’ve been done with everything a month ago. And waiting for new stuff to do is already an issue. Experimenting with different classes and weapon combos is the only longevity that currently exists. 

That logic makes no sense. Without this suggestion, you level a weapon and once you get it to relic tier. You are done. Aside from using it in normal gameplay, there is no further need to use it and you end up having to switch to the next weapon within that class to level it up. The free mastery point upon completion being granted not being considered of course.

With the perk rework, hopefully the somewhat fix the dead and useless perks we currently have. But until we see what they have done, it's up in the air. At least with this change, you would be rewarded by continuing to use a weapon and complete the relic tier, aside from the preference of just using it, by then unlocking it on 1 or two other classes. Which would in turn open up more builds and combos people can experiment with, so long as it is still lore/tt compliant.

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6 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 1:06:18 PM
Hello Brother!
We appreciate this suggestion, at the time being there is no information about this to be available in the future, but we would make sure to forward this to the proper team.
Keep posting, we would keep an eye for all your suggestions Brothers!
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6 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 1:11:38 PM

Fsikens_PS wrote:
Hello Brother!
We appreciate this suggestion, at the time being there is no information about this to be available in the future, but we would make sure to forward this to the proper team.
Keep posting, we would keep an eye for all your suggestions Brothers!

Thank you for the response. As I said, not everything needs to be useable by ever class. But giving an incentive to level multiple classes and weapons would go a long way to adding some sort of content and goal to give long time players something to do. While also opening up new ways to build and have fun and play with different weapons.

Updated 5 days ago.
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