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2 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 6:10:38 PM

I saw this pretty early in my time with this game and i find it absolutely ridiculous how there are so many arbitrary wargear restrictions things like the assault class not getting the plasma pistol, I will now list off every class and the weapons I would add.

tactical: marksman bolt carbine, in pve operations and heavy bolt pistol, plasma pistol, power sword, and combat knife for all modes.

assault: plasma pistol (why isn't it there already?) and power sword (same with this why is it not there by default?) this class's entire point is that you replace the primary with a jump pack and your secondary becomes your primary way of doing ranged damage, so why then restrict us? it makes the least amount of sense to restrict the assault class.

vanguard: standard bolt carbine,marksman bolt carbine,heavy bolt pistol,and power sword for all modes and melta rifle for pvp.

bulwark: heavy bolt pistol for all modes simple as

sniper: occulus bolt carbine,instigator bolt carbine,and marksman bolt carbine, and heavy bolt pistol for all modes

heavy: heavy bolt pistol for all modes simple as (it even has heavy in the name) an interesting idea would be if the heavy got access to the heavy bolter in pvp, I would assume they would have a standard power pack on their back, it would make them look like a heavy intercessor, or a melta rifle, though the melta rifle would be less interesting than a heavy bolt rifle as an addition in my opinion.

I have an idea why they restricted us from these weapons, its supposed to lock you into a specific play style, but that's boring and chokes out player creativity, I feel the game would benefit from these restrictions being lifted.

P.S. just give us the bloody volkite pistol in pvp there is no need to be like this.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 6:58:40 PM

It would be nice to use the Combat Knife as a Tactical, the regular Bolt Carbine as a Vanguard, and the Heavy Bolt Pistol as a Bulwark.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 7:38:50 PM

DonCalzone wrote:

It would be nice to use the Combat Knife as a Tactical, the regular Bolt Carbine as a Vanguard, and the Heavy Bolt Pistol as a Bulwark.

I forgot to mention knives for tactical, I agree.

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2 months ago
Oct 22, 2024, 11:28:29 AM


This is a top shout.

the weapons choice is too narrow and the heavy bolt rifle on the heavy is *chefs kiss*. It'll lighten a super burley class.

Other weapons they should include are Here

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a month ago
Nov 7, 2024, 12:59:25 AM

idk if  any gun focused classes should get power weapons only because i believe those weapons should be unique to the melee classes specifically. But everything else yea why not.  As a vanguard main in pvp we literally have one weapon option so it would be great to get the melta (which we already get in pve) and other options to play with. Its why tactical is the most played because of the amount if options it has. 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Nov 11, 2024, 2:40:06 AM

The Vanguard, which I think is supposed to be a mashup of Rievers and Incursors, should have the standard bolt carbine and should have had it from the beginning instead of the Instigator. The Sniper, which is I'm pretty sure is a mashup of Infiltrators and Eliminators, should have had the Instigator from the beginning. 
I had had thoughts that maybe they should have done the carbine families differently, with Bolt Carbine and Occulus being in the same tree with the Marksmen and Instigator being in the same tree, though lore-wise, I see why they did it the way that they did because the Marksmen is a variant of the Carbine (which may or may not itself be a smaller version of the cawl bolt rifle or new weapon that fires smaller bolts) whereas the Occulus and Instigator I believe are actually variants of the Bolt Rifle and not related to the Bolt Carbine other than also being Carbines.  For how much control GW apparently had over production and supposedly argued about lore, I feel they must not have been that nitpicky lol

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