Melee has this quirk of auto-aiming/locking onto the closest enemy a seemingly slightly more than 180 degree arc. This causes a player wanting to do a charged melee attack, such as power fist, shadow strike, or revved up chainsword to potentially waste the attack that is a huge risk/reward on a random minoris that walks up while charging.

Sometimes this can be alleviated with the lock-on mechanic but for keyboard and mouse players the lock-on is more of a suggestion than something that actually takes priority and we shouldn't have to find work arounds in the first place.

A menu option to toggle off melee auto-aim on direction hold, off all together, or on (default) would be a great QoL addition.

If this proves non-viable or too hard to implement in a reasonable amount of time, perhaps adjusting the auto-aim priority to majoris+ would be a reasonable compromise.