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Which part of the Campaign was the most striking to you?


Hello, Space Marines!​

Space Marine 2 has now been out for a few months, and it's been quite an adventure! 

We know there's a lot of debate about the game, its history, its modes and so on. So we'd like to collect your opinions through votes, where you can choose the answer you want! In addition, please feel free to expand on your comments by replying below. Enough chit-chat, here's the question of the week!

Which part of the Campaign was the most striking to you?

⏰ You have until November 21 to make your choice!

2 879 600

g2g pts

The last combat scene, with Calgar joining the fight

The last combat scene, with Calgar joining the fight

138 700

g2g pts

Chairon losing temper and going solo to fight

Chairon losing temper and going solo to fight

114 000

g2g pts

Gadriel doubting Titus’ intentions and defying him

Gadriel doubting Titus’ intentions and defying him

681 200

g2g pts

Meeting an.. “old friend”

Meeting an.. “old friend”

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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:43:11 PM

I'm conflicted between meet and old friend and the final fight. I'd love to see it Sidonus might've become a dreadnought 

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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:46:15 PM

DrDamagePHD wrote:

The prologue was the best part of the whole story. Wish there was an option to vote on it. 


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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:47:04 PM

I think the 40k universe is at its peak when there are large groups of Space Marines, fighting a seemingly lost battle, prepared to sacrifice themselves for the emperor and mankind - but somehow through strength of will - or the emperors light - they prevail

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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:48:08 PM

The arguement with Titus's squads is not smart enough, I prefer massive battlefield over previous story line.

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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:48:36 PM

Top moments:

- Glorious Deathwatch cutscene/intro mission

- Soyjack Calgar slow-mo moment before joining the fight

- Big brother Valtus yeeting an entire statue at an angry fire chicken while battle crying to 1v1 Magnus

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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:49:52 PM

This game desperately needs to be made a live service game. This one campaign per game nonsense is out of date in a bad way. Love that in terms of game play you went back to the classic game model but the one campaign per game doesn’t work anymore. When you pay a premium for a game you expect a higher standard of care here. We shouldn’t have to wait 5 or however many years for the Necron story continuation. It should be in this game as an update. 

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23 days ago
Nov 14, 2024, 4:49:55 PM

mishashi wrote:




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