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Which villain is the worst?


In both Innocence and Requiem, we came a across a few tyrannic and dreadful characters, but which one was the absolute worst in your opinion??

258 800

g2g pts

Victor de Arles

Victor de Arles

28 600

g2g pts

Lord Nicholas

Lord Nicholas

126 000

g2g pts

Vitalis Bénévent

Vitalis Bénévent

37 400

g2g pts

Emilie de Arles

Emilie de Arles

141 400

g2g pts

The rats!!

The rats!!

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8 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 4:28:47 PM

My vote goes to Lord Nicholas. He's an absolute heartless, psychopath murderer. He & his men slaughter & burned down towns. Children & probably pregnant women were included in those towns. 

P.S: Love your guys games. Keep up the great work 👏🏽

Updated 8 days ago.
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8 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 4:35:06 PM

I haven't come across any of the Requiem villains yet, so for me it was between Lord Nicholas and the rats. I don't  know which one is more ruthless. I ended up voting for Nicholas know the rats will probably win the vote.

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8 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 9:39:45 PM

I hate all of them but the worst to me will always be Victor, I mean... It's his fault from the whole start if it got to end like this, Emilie just believe his lies and wished to be a real mother and have a family but Victor is the reason it ended like it did.

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6 days ago
Feb 14, 2025, 11:16:11 AM

In my opinion it's tie between Victor and Vitalis. 

Vitalis is narcist sociopath using other like tools for his personal gain without any remorse or doubt. On top of that, he is disgusting.

Victor is very much the same, he manipulated the woman he had some weird relationship with pushing her deeper and deeper into madness, also if not him, I think we could have different ending in the end.

I hate them both, would stone into brain again.

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