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Code of Conduct

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a year ago
May 7, 2024, 12:11:24 PM

​What you sign up to when you register on the boards:

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where these forums are hosted or International Law. 

Other behaviours which may lead to moderator action:
  • Trolling is defined as posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response. Feeding trolls is in itself trolling and may be dealt with as such.

  • Flaming (also known as bashing) is defined as hostile and insulting interaction between users. Everyone likes a heated discussion, but ad hominem attacks will not be tolerated. This includes such attacks against Focus Entertainment or developers, and employees families. 


Spamming is defined as either of the following:

  • Unsolicited advertising posts or links to commercial sites.

  • Continually trying to make your (possibly entirely valid) point over numerous threads in an attempt to make your grievance heard. Stick to the thread the point was originally made on, and if there is no thread for what you want to say, start one! Don't ruin other peoples' topics with your separate issues though.

  • Moderators are free to act against other behaviours at their discretion. The above is so that you know what they will act against, and consistent behaviour of the types listed above will lead to a ban.

Message Content
  • All posts must be constructive to the discussion and on topic. Only post when you have something worthy to add. Every time you are planning to start a new thread, check first to see whether there is a similar one already existing and choose a well descriptive topic title.

  • Advertising in any way (spam, hidden ads, …) is not allowed on the board without a Moderator's or an Administrator's authorization. Links to personal websites or fan websites are tolerated in the user's profile or his signature as long as they stay subtle.

  • The opinion of every user must be respected by everyone, regardless of how much it differs from your own, and is not a reason for insult.

Posting of exploits and cheats 
  • No game is perfectly secure, but it is accepted that we, as the player base, want it to be as secure as possible. Therefore, should you discover a cheat, exploit, hack or other security issues then you are at liberty to post the existence of said issue on the boards. You are, however, requested to NOT post how to recreate the issue for other posters to emulate, or to link to such instructions. Instead please send details to Focus Entertainment or developer teams (NOT the moderators - they're players just like you!) so that they can recreate and resolve the issues. 

  • The deliberate posting of instructions as to how to cheat, exploit, hack or otherwise render the game unfair, or links to such information, is considered a breach of these rules.

Reporting of Suspected Cheating
  • Suspected cheats are NOT to be named publicly on the boards by forum members. Any post which names suspected cheats will be edited or deleted without notice. Individual leagues may have their own reporting procedure for such actions.

Moderator Action
  • In the majority of cases, moderators will contact individuals and offer them the opportunity to explain/adjust their posts before taking direct action. In the first instance, moderators will not lock threads and will attempt to use other actions to keep the discussion alive. However, it may be necessary to lock a thread temporarily in order to allow editing or to allow a cooling-off period while users are contacted regarding their actions. If possible such threads will be reopened, or a separate thread will be opened on the same subject, in order to allow the discussion to continue.

Moderator actions may include warnings, temporary or permanent bans, usually in that order, but at their discretion based on the severity of the offense.

Right of Reply
  • We recognise that moderators are human and make mistakes. To that end, any complaints or questions should be directed either to the moderator in question, or the Community Manager, or both, by PM only. Any threads complaining publicly about moderators will be locked and deleted and the individual posting them will be dealt with accordingly. Should you be unsure which moderator carried out the action you wish to question, feel free to send out a mass PM to all of us.

Let’s be kind, and welcome aboard!

Updated 9 months ago.
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