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3 months ago Dec 24,2024, 11:52:12 AM

What's next in 2025?

2 307 Views

​Hello Runners

2024 is coming to an end, and we’ve got big news coming up in 2025!

First, Season 2: White Dawn will arrive on February 27! But if you want to try it early, play on the Public Beta Branch. Click here to read the tutorial on how to access it. 

This season will bring new content to the game, such as: the long-awaited SNOW! ❄️ 

Even though the next map will mainly be set in the Spring (and the one after will fully be set in the winter 😉), you will see snow in the Carpathians (2x2km), in the East Beskids! You will also be introduced to a new medium-size cave. ⛏️💎

In addition to these, new trucks will be added too:

  • The Decin S-3T

  • The Traun BR-0D

  • The Mercedes Unimog 2450

As for the free content, you'll get a new piece of equipment: the cargo drone, electricity will become a manageable resource, and a replayability system will be introduced (such as customized nameplates, horn and new stickers). There’s much more to come in future seasons so stay tuned!

Here's something to tide you over while you wait:

Season 2

Season 2: White Dawn will take place in the snowy Carpathians, in East Beskids.

Season 3 (wip!)

Season 3 will also take place in the snowy and icy mountains. New trucks will be added as well.Season 3 Scaffolding.png

Season 4 (very wip!)

Season 4 will occur in an Autumn map. 

Once again, please note that these screenshots are all work in progress and that the final content will differ.

That's it for today, runners! Get ready for even more content dropping in Expeditions in the upcoming months!  We'll come back for more in 2025!

The Expeditions team

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3 months ago
Dec 24, 2024, 12:02:13 PM

wow! What a nuclear bomb!!

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3 months ago
Dec 24, 2024, 12:23:26 PM

Just please add more Snowrunner style controller schemes (B, C and D)... Or let us freely customise our controller scheme. That should be on top of priority list! 

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3 months ago
Dec 24, 2024, 12:29:14 PM

Haukkis wrote:

Just please add more Snowrunner style controller schemes (B, C and D)... Or let us freely customise our controller scheme. That should be on top of priority list! 

Yeah. Current "SR-like" control scheme is awful (why the heck horn is on X - the button used for all the zone interactions and the slack of the winch??)

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3 months ago
Dec 24, 2024, 12:31:20 PM

As much as I like Expeditions, it's very strange you stretched the release and Season 1 on the whole year... Feb 27th is basically 1 year after the game's initial release.

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3 months ago
Dec 24, 2024, 5:38:02 PM

Lo que si me parece aburrido son los minijuegos, debe ser algo más que hacer que solo llegar Hasta ese punto, debería añadir un poco mas de módulos con los cuales hacer trabajos como el vibrador sísmico como excavar en ciertos lugares para encontrar algun tesoro.

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2 months ago
Jan 2, 2025, 9:55:01 PM
Wow! exciting! I just got the game and gaming console for Christmas and I'm just starting on Arizona. Snow should be fun! is this the update that will have caves and Co-op? Are we getting any new vehicles, like some Jeeps? No off road game would be complete without a few Jeeps (requesting a very modified YJ, save the squares! ) 

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2 months ago
Jan 10, 2025, 9:35:31 AM

so just to clarify, these remaining 3 seasons are included in our year one pass right. Because year one has already passed and all we’ve received is one dlc… and as much as I loved Snowrunner, the owners of this game appears to be getting shafted like Saber Porto did to people with Dakar Desert Rally.

It seems like the focus is, as always on SnowRunner and more and more games get released, and don’t get supported. 

SnowRunner gets consistent updates and DLC, but the support for Dakar Desert Rally was abysmal, and the support for this has not been that much better. 

Now there’s a new game, coming out -Roadcraft. Which honestly just feels like we’re getting shafted again. 

Snowrunner was a success so it gets supported. But then everything else gets ignored, and then something new comes out before players are given any of the things they were promised in the other games.

so is this dlc going to be of high quality? and will it be included in the year one pass?

Because if this turns out to be another Dakar Desert Rally situation where it takes over a year to make broken, dumbed down dlc that is nothing like what was promised, just to crap something out so you don’t get a lawsuit… Like the Dakar dlc…. Then I’m done buying anything Saber releases, because unless it’s Snowrunner, it seems like you don’t care.

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