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a month ago Feb 24,2025, 17:01:50 PM

🚧 The RoadCraft Demo is here!

1 524 Views

Hello Builders, 

Time to roll up your sleeves! The RoadCraft demo is now live for Steam Next Fest. Whether solo or with up to 4 friends, clear debris, restore roads, and bring industries back to life! 🚜

🔨 What can you expect?

Get hands-on with three unique missions on different maps, specially crafted for this demo. You'll get a solid glimpse of the full RoadCraft experience—no pre-order needed!

m2 (1).pngm1 (1).png

🛠️ Team up & get the job done

Play solo or join forces with up to 4 players for maximum efficiency.

RC_janv25_FHD (13).png

 ℹ️ About the Demo

  • Available only on Steam
  • Progress won’t carry over since this version is exclusive to the demo!
  • 💬 Got feedback? Drop your thoughts here!

Play the demo now!

We can't wait to hear your thoughts! 🎮

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a month ago
Feb 24, 2025, 8:09:23 PM

Тут такая проблема, идет экран зугрузки и все. НИчего больше не происходит. В чем может быть проблема?

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a month ago
Feb 24, 2025, 9:53:10 PM

Please address steamdeck map loading bug: https://community.focus-entmt.com/focus-entertainment/roadcraft/bugs/5380?page=1

Demo is literally unplayable and I want to try it so I can preorder!

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a month ago
Feb 25, 2025, 3:55:33 AM

​Поиграл я значит часик.

 Ну по плюсам.


- там, где ты не был все закрыто облаками. Это хорошо. Побуждает отправляться на разведку. Следы от шин остаются на карте. Если приблизить, то их видно. Спустя 30 минут первая колея не исчезла. Прикольная фишка.

 -Физика воды и ее визуал отличный.

 -Играть с геймпада приятно.

- Грязь присутствует на первой карте. Глубокие лужи тоже. Один двигатель словил гидроудар😁.

 -Вид из кабины в дождь мое почтение. Выглядит очень хорошо. 

- Загрузка бревен. Как кинул, так их стропами и зафиксировало. Отсутствие идеальной укладки автоматом радует. Хочешь ровно, так возьми и разложи их ровно😁. 


- первое что бросилось в глаза, это такое странное чувство, что перед тобой не многотонный грузовик, а кака то игрушка на радиоуправлении. Возможно часть машин выглядят слишком новыми. Может из-за этого, а может по масштабам намудрили.  -Отвратительный интерфейс управления механизмами. Мы что, в мобилку играем? 

-Рваное управление на геймпаде, резкие рывки. Сделайте чуть плавнее. Это же не аркада блин, где важна каждая секунда. 

- Странная подвеска и центр масс. Не нужно делать игру легкой. Если опрокидываешь технику, то будь добр ее достать. Самые яркие эмоции именно от этого. Обычная дорога на 5 минут превращается в целую спасательную операцию. 

- Колеса выглядят просто ужасно. Неплохая детализация по кузову, но серые круглые болванки вместо колес.

- Баги есть конечно. Колея появляющаяся перед машиной, либо ветки телепартирующиеся в воде создавая брызги.  

Вопросов много кстати. В демке все тачки дают сразу почти. А как же перется 40 минут в гору за новым скаутом? 

 Что по гаражу? Он будет? 

 Апгрейтд. Он будет? Можно менять начинку? Апгрейды для машин нужно будет снова искать? Я бы поискал.

 Топливо. Где оно? Его отключили в демке или его не будет? 

 Хардкор режим. Не жадничайте и добавьте его пожалуйста. Бензин, возврат за деньги, смена дня и ночи. Это нужно. Это интересно. Сложные игры очень любят. Это вызов для настоящих мужиков😁 

 Вообще концепт интересный. В нее приятнее играть, чем смотреть прохождение на ютубе. Ребят, у вас новая золотая жила появляется. Не упустите выгоду. До релиза 3 месяца. Тут либо отвечать на вопросы и допиливать игру, либо это будет провал как с экспедицией. По железу хз. Стоит лок на 60 кадров. Фризов не было. 4070ti +i7-12700kf +32гб ОЗУ. Ссд

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a month ago
Feb 25, 2025, 4:13:38 AM

​Hello good morning, I would like to send a note. Yes, I tried and play Snowrunner, but I would like to know if you are going to fix the game since I tried to play the demo a little. But I have a problem with the crane truck, it is not very intuitive since using the mouse is still very uncomfortable. What do I do? The final game will continue like this. Since I made the pre-purchase and I do not feel comfortable, I feel almost disappointed since I spent more than 25 minutes trying to grab a piece of wood, because the mouse is more than uncomfortable. A unique crane mode would be ideal. I hope they change it.

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a month ago
Feb 25, 2025, 6:24:56 AM

Hello. My impressions of the demo were not good. Now I’ll explain why. With a computer that manages to run Star Citizen at 60-70 FPS — a game still in development and with almost no optimization — getting only 45 FPS in your game means it’s not optimized at all.

With a computer featuring a 7800x3d processor, a 7900xtx graphics card, 32GB DDR5 RAM at 6800 MHz, and the game running on an NVMe drive, it seems even that’s not enough for stable 60 FPS. Every other title with far better graphics easily hits a minimum of 60 FPS.

I also noticed that the rain doesn’t interact with the ground — it’s just a camera effect. The rain effect on the windows looks extremely unrealistic, especially with the lack of rain on the windshield, which makes the occasional movement of the wipers pointless.

The vehicle controls feel far too arcade-like. The jeep moves through mud in the game that would be impassable in real life — mud where the tires sink more than halfway — and yet the vehicle doesn’t even slow down.

The side mirrors are blurry, clearly for performance reasons, and the mirror frame rate refreshes noticeably slower — again, probably for performance.

Why didn’t you just make this gameplay a DLC for SnowRunner? I find the game highly unsatisfactory both in terms of gameplay and optimization. At the very least, optimize it so it runs better.

I also noticed that the interaction between the ground and objects like rocks is pretty much nonexistent. The ground texture is high resolution, but the TAA makes it look quite bad.

I don’t think the game should be released unfinished — especially after your last game, which wasn’t well-received. This one won’t be any different.

Try to make a polished game, even if it takes more time. You don’t need to release games on a conveyor belt. Take a page from Rockstar’s book — they release one game every 10 years, but that game is played for over a decade and still makes money.

My friends and I were eagerly looking forward to this game, but none of them liked it. It looks like we’ll be playing SnowRunner or Dune, which releases on the same date as your game. At least you’re making our choice easier.

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a month ago
Feb 25, 2025, 8:07:23 AM

Very nice demo.


  1. Graphics are excellent and the game ran as smooth as butter on 3440X1440, 60 fps locked, with high/ultra settings plus DLSS, on a 4070.
  2. Cargo interaction and freeform loading and then strapping everything down is very good.  I like it a lot.
  3. Physics (especially water) looks great.
  4. Jobs look varied and interesting.  
  5. Interaction with tree cutting, road paving etc, stuck a nice balance between realistic and arcade to be fun.
  6. The map view is great and detailed and allows for super zoom and high detail.
  7. The fact that you have a lot of freedom, to build a bridge or road anywhere is awesome.


  1. The controls are obviously new (and different from SnowRunner), but the fact that there are different controls for different types of cranes is very confusing.  Maybe add the option to customise controls for controllers like for keyboards.
  2. Some vehicles (like the scouts, Mules and dump trucks for example) look too "clean", not gritty enough, and not realistic.  Almost toy-like.  The heavy machines like the bulldozer, cable layer and roller, look fine.
  3. I don't understand the AWD switch.  If there is no penalty, why would you ever turn it off?
  4. The UI, especially on map view is sometimes a bit confusing and might need some streamlining.
  5. You can't edit the AI bot path (move individual waypoints) once you've placed it.  You have to delete the whole path and start from scratch.
  6. Waypoint placement on map that can be customised is a nice idea, but there needs to be a faster way to do it, or an alternative "quick waypoint".  Choosing the icon and colour every time is tedious.
  7. The fact that there is no driver model feels weird.  Ideally, I'd like drivers in all trucks, but I can role play that the AI/bots don't need a model because the trucks are autonomous.  However, for the truck you're driving yourself I would want a driver.

I'm very excited for the full release, to start growing my company and fleet.  Keep up the good work (and maybe add a hard mode later with damage, fuel and gears :))

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a month ago
Feb 25, 2025, 10:34:54 AM
  Пройдя пару заданий в демо-версии RoadCraft хочу сказать одно и согласиться с мнениями пару комментаторов о том, что слишком много аркадности, убраны самые лучшие моменты из игры начиная с Mudrunner и Snowrunner, топливо, выбора точек зацепления лебёдки, удобное и хорошее управление краном и много других занимательных вещей.

  Инициатору данных изменений вынести строгий выговор, а то ещё что похуже, из-за данных действий даже хочется вернуть деньги за предзаказ и стереть память об этом прохождение демо-версии. Однако очень интересная задумка по геймплею, созданию дорог, расчистки завалов, введение техники на гусеничном шасси чего так хотели игроки в Snowrunner.   Наверное выскажу мнение многих игроков так полюбивших данную серию ваших игр, не стоит исправлять то, что и так работало. Верните те механики за которые мы так полюбили ваши игры.
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a month ago
Feb 25, 2025, 9:53:24 PM

Thank you for the demo. I will not buy it same as the Expeditions. It's a boring arcade. DLC for Snowrunner for $10. Just a pretty picture.

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a month ago
Feb 26, 2025, 11:54:38 AM

masterKoldyn4ik wrote:

На стимдеке вылетает после «загрузка завершена»(((

у стимдека видео чип в два раза хуже минимальных требований. оно в принципе вряд ли на стимдеке запустится

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a month ago
Feb 27, 2025, 9:57:34 AM

I’ve sunk 18 hours into this demo so far. Yes, I realize it’s just a demo, and most people could probably wrap it up in a couple of hours—but I’m hooked! I’m absolutely loving it already.

 I’m usually the first to tell people not to compare this game to other titles from Saber Games. Sure, plenty of folks are stacking it up against Snowrunner, but I’m not one of them. This game carves out its own unique niche—it’s not a follow-up or sequel to Snowrunner by any stretch. And honestly, I’m a fan of the fresh direction the developers have taken here. What can I say? I’m sold! The vibe of this game is so much more laid-back and relaxing. No vehicle damage, no fuel shortages—it’s forgiving in all the right ways. You can zero in on the objectives without stressing about getting stranded or hitting a wall of difficulty. It’s a refreshing change of pace. 

For players craving a tougher challenge—think vehicle damage or fuel management like in other games—why not add a gameplay option? Let people choose if they want that extra layer of difficulty or prefer to keep it chill.

Usually, I’d play a game like this with my steering wheel, shifter, and button box setup, but I can’t get my Moza Racing wheel to work. That’s a bummer, and it’s the one real downside I’ve hit. I switched to an Xbox controller instead, and honestly, it’s been a smooth, fun, and relaxing experience. I’d love for the devs to add compatibility for Moza Racing (and other Direct Drive setups), but I’m not holding my breath. Expeditions had the same issue—Steam promised more wheel support over a year ago, and we’re still waiting.

Back to the demo: the vehicles and equipment are awesome. I’m having a blast with them! The controls are streamlined compared to past games from these devs, and that simplicity is what makes it so enjoyable. You don’t have to overthink it—just focus on the task and have fun. For anyone craving a hardcore simulation with mud-crawling, gear-shifting, and vehicle management, check the first Developer Diaries. The devs made it clear that off-roading takes a backseat here. If that’s your thing, Snowrunner or Expeditions are the way to go.

Bottom line: I need this game in my collection. It’s still a demo, so I’m sure there’ll be some tweaks—probably more bug fixes than big changes like adding a damage system or custom controls. But honestly? If the full release is just like this demo, I’d still be thrilled—Moza Racing wheel issue aside—and I’d happily pour hours into it.

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a month ago
Feb 27, 2025, 12:30:24 PM

RigFury wrote:

masterKoldyn4ik wrote:

На стимдеке вылетает после «загрузка завершена»(((

у стимдека видео чип в два раза хуже минимальных требований. оно в принципе вряд ли на стимдеке запустится

Фигово, что еще могу сказать

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18 days ago
Mar 9, 2025, 11:53:40 AM

Played the 3 missions from the demo in solo mode. Liked the new possibilties so far.  But I (and I think all mudrunner fans out there) really miss a manual gear, damage to vehicles and the need for refuelling. When these 3 points are added the game will be great. I think mudrunner has the largest community of all spintire games. I didnt really like expeditions and snowrunner was even not my game. Me and (i think A LOT of people) like mudrunner the most. Wheres the challenge when my truck cant take any damage? Would you play a shooter game where your character is invincible? Please add at least a fuel-trailer, we could connect to a truck or something else to refuel our team-mates. Also i would weaken the terrain scanner a bit. At least give it a lesser active-time and put in a cooldown, so we cant use it that often. Terrain Scanner takes away a bit of that thrilling adventure. Overall this could be a phantastic game, but it should be a bit more like the great Mudrunner. I would remove the comic-style pics from the "radiograms" and add the possibility for some color-variations. I would prefer less contrast and a not so colorful, more dusty look, bit like mudrunner.

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