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3 days ago
Mar 7, 2025, 8:55:52 AM

We have to tipper that spreads gravel, the asphalt layer and roller.

I think in the road construction process there are some things that are missing. 

These are: 

-A proper Grader for grading roads. The articulated front end loader with the blade on the end just doesn't work the best some times. A proper grader would be better.

-line marking truck.

-Would be good to put guttering on road sides especially in town areas.  

-A water tanker to wet the gravel to and be able to pre-roll it to assist in smoothing it out.

-A compactor I've found on the demo it isn't flattening out and level like it should more grading rolling and prep should go into making a road. 
-would be good to choose what grade of gravel you want. e.g. three options. 

Updated 6 hours ago.
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14 hours ago
Mar 9, 2025, 8:34:19 AM

I agree to the proper Grader: There's quite some places where I went three, four times over a road with the wheel loader - but the sand bed still isn't flat enough for the paver to drive over it seamlessly and it janks around even in low-gear mode, and also the asphalt does not end up that flat. 

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