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Cranes, excavators control system ISO / Euro

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3 days ago
Mar 9, 2025, 5:21:30 PM

​Control of hydraulic functions in cranes and excavators in accordance with ISO. On joypad analogues, there should be control of the excavator arms and the rotation of the tower / closing of the bucket. Controls with xbox joypad in demo was a really painfull for me (person who works many years with scrap cranes, cranes, loaders with iso system control). Please add control like this. 

Updated 6 hours ago.
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15 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 7:58:08 PM

Abit like construction simulator? 

If you've ever tried the controls on there they are a breeze even the tracks being on the triggers and bumpers is just so much better. 

i dont know why people make up controls for excavators when we have 2 joysticks infront of us like an excavator

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