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Mud tires for tucks with dead axle

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16 days ago
Sep 28, 2024, 7:06:56 AM


After cca 500 hours of the gameplay (PC and PS5) I have one minor suggestion.

I believe, that American trucks with dead axle should be able to equip mud tires as well.  

 It's because of the way how UOD tires which are the best for them works. The common belief of our community is that they are supposed to "sink" through the mud to the dirt part of the surface where they get the grip. But that dead axle is the problem here. It's an obstacle which block the way to the dirt part of the surface and they are sometimes stuck in the mud part. Normal truck with the same top tires like International HX 520 doesn't have this problem.

If those trucks would be able to equip mud tires which don't need to get to the dirt part of the surface, that dead axle become finally beneficial.

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13 days ago
Sep 30, 2024, 6:15:40 PM

Have you tested those changes in-game before suggesting that? It better be done to avoid pointless additions.

Better grip tires on unpowered axles won't give you more traction because the axle is, well, unpowered. They can provide additional break when the truck is rolling and the breaks are applied, sure.

In actual game liftable axles have a potential to be usable in very certain situation. Imagine a terrain in which your truck in default configuration is just a little too heavy to start sinking into the mud, and it would not if it was a little lighter, you could counteract that effect by deploying an liftable axle to more evenly distribute the truck's weight instead putting it all on the two rear axles, improving your chances to not sink in the mud.

Updated 13 days ago.
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