Hello there, 

I recently bought a bundle of base game + (so far) all 4 seasons. I really like this game, but I have to be honest with you guys. Console port kinda sucks. Game just keep crashing.

Since this is happening on a console, I'm not sure if there are any logs I could provide. Also when this happens there is no error message. Just poof and I'm on the dashboard.

There are few things I could mention, but I'm not sure how relevant they may be.

First of all, I've noticed I have to turn off FidelityFX in order to headlights be actually working. 

Next thing I'd like to pinpoint is connected to the first one. My settings won't save. Everytime I run the game, I have to go to settings and turn off FidelityFX again.

And finally, there is this Xbox notification about local cache being full. I've done a little bit of research and find out how to clear cache. So I've done that and run the game. It seemed to be OK at that point, I've played maybe 2 hours when the notification pop up again. None of my other games is doing this.

I do not see any pattern in game crashing. Sometimes runs for hours, sometimes crashes 2 times in 15 minutes. 

No mods installed, there is constantly 100GB+ of free space on SSD. I'm not using "Quick resume" function for Snowrunner. Also I'm not using sleep mode for console, everytime is completely turned off.

This is pretty much everyting I can say about this issue, I can only hope it will help you with identifying the problem. 

Yours sincerely