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Implement a rating scale to show the player the tires performance

Game Options

5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 9:31:51 AM

One of the most heating (and complained upon) aspects of the game is how the game displays the performance statistic of the tires; currently it only gives player a written rating - poor, average, good and excelent. This approach does not give people enoughly satisfying information, especially since the tires of the same rating can have quite a diviation in actual statistics.

To have a much more elegant solution, I propose to implement a rating scale, similarly to how engines are rated, that gives the player a more precise amount of information, and much clearer displays the difference between similar tires.

Like that:

That way you divide the scale in accordance to how the written performance is displayed currently, to move the amount on the scale accordingly to what the performance really is.

What would previously be simply displayed as "Good" performance, now shows how much of good on the scale it really is, within the good rating:image3.png

And such rating scale would need to be added for each of the types - on-road, off-road and mud performances. I don't know what is the current range for the values to display the respective rating, but let's assume for now (on a simplified level) Poor is for range 0-0,9; Average for 0,9-1,8; Good for 1,8-2,7; Excellent for +2,7.

A modification to this concept we can implement, is to add a scale gradient to better visually indicate the rating, like this:


Another potential modification to this design is to have each segment to allow more precise fractions, so that even the smallest differences between the tire types are noted:image6.png

I think it is a rather small UI change in display and will much more resolve any confusion, anger, misunderstoodment and so on, the players and the community as a whole may have.


Updated 7 hours ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 11:01:49 AM

There is already a mod that puts exact stats into tire name. It should be possible to view the stats in-game normally.

You can already get the information by digging through game files or from external sites but this shouldn't be necessary.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:45:29 AM

You mean like that?image3.pngA bit of informational overload, which is why giving arbitrary values is absolutely not a good idea and is a naive approach.

Updated 2 days ago.
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