One of the most heated complains towards the game is the alleged "random/ghost" damage that occurs in certain situations when a player drives the vehicle in high speed, primarly on hard surfaces when driving over small debris. Which in result makes players irritated and furious above, thinking the given damage was infair.

If there are no plans on fixing the issue at its core, I do have few proposals to reduce the visibility of this issue.


  • If player drives the vehicle over certain speed (let's say +25/30 km/h), do not display on-truck damage indicator for wheels, if the wheel damage was below 10 points, and for suspension, if the suspension damage was below 20 points. That way player is not taken out of focus by suddenly getting a damage notification when they feel like it was given unfairly, but the damage is still being added.
  • If player drives the vehicle over certain speed (let's say +25/30 km/h), either for all components or only for wheels and suspension, do not add up at all the damage the player should be given if the supposed damage is below the set amount (10 for wheels, 20 for suspension).