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Temporary bridges as cargo and missions

Game OptionsMissionsVehicles

2 months ago
Oct 22, 2024, 2:32:37 PM

In addition to my idea of wide and oversized loads, maybe some temporary bridges could be added. You'll transport them to a location where they will be dropped like regular cargo. The longer the bridge, the more trips you need to make it complete. You can stack 3 or 4 on top of eachother. 

Not to be confused with the mod bridges which you can drop where you want them, these are more meant like a mission where you'll fix a broken bridge or a washed away road. 

In the army they use bridges like Treadway bridges or Bailey bridges and there are some commercially available.



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TerraCross Portable bridge


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Treadway B

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Temporary Mitchell bridge

Mitchell Bridge CB24
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Beaver Bridges

Beaver Heavy Vehicle Bridge

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These are an example of a transportable temporary bridge.

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Updated 4 days ago.
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a month ago
Oct 23, 2024, 6:54:32 PM

I like the idea of a temporary bridge cargo but only as a cargo. Allowing the player to place easily accessible bridges removes a large part of the difficulty aspect as many obstacles that existed for years are no longer a headache for the player. Having movable bridges anywhere should stay with mods.

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a month ago
Oct 23, 2024, 7:18:40 PM

I like the idea of bridging equipment. Either as some sort of cargo, addon, or as a particular mod does it, a trailer which attaches to a special addon.

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a month ago
Oct 23, 2024, 8:45:38 PM

IndexOut0fBounds wrote:

I like the idea of a temporary bridge cargo but only as a cargo. Allowing the player to place easily accessible bridges removes a large part of the difficulty aspect as many obstacles that existed for years are no longer a headache for the player. Having movable bridges anywhere should stay with mods.

Yes, that's why I say they are meant to be used like a mission, not to be place anywhere. Just in stead of delivering 2 metal beams and 2 wooden planks, you could deliver 2 bridge elements. Transporting them should be more challenging than transporting metal beams or wooden planks.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Nov 10, 2024, 5:03:29 PM

10-11-2024 edit:

I added Beaver Bridges, a great example of temporary bridges. They are easy to transport and are designed for vehicles.

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