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Update 1.1 Patch Notes Request


a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:00:05 PM

Update 1.1 Priorities

1. Matchmaking bug fix -Be able to join lobbies when you want to play online. Not have to go to main menu to try to reconnect.

2. New Maps for PVP. Take assets from campaign and hire more people. 2 million copies sold and you need to invest that money back into the game to build more maps. 3 maps at launch is abysmal. 

3. PVP balance Grenades - one hit kill radius reduced. No point in using anything other than the default grenade.4. PVP Balance Vanguard - Allow players to shoot but not move their aim if they get grappled. Vanguard starts with 1 grapple and secondary can start charging. Vanguard is meant to get into places where other classes can't, not spam stun locks on other characters at all times. The worst feeling in this game is being in a firefight and having the edge and then the vanguard grapples you and shoots you in the head, killing you before the stun lock is over.

5. PVP Balance heavy shield - If you roll the shield should be dropped. If you get a heavy to move with a grenade then you should be rewarded.

6.PVP Parry or ability to roll time attacks. Hammer cannot be dodged. No reward for parrying any melee attacks so both parties are just forced to attack spam or one stalls with parries hoping teammates are there.

7. PVP Tactical Ability - should be a grenade to make it harder to use. Not just and instant scan that can be done across map with no warning.

8. Chaos unlockables - Why does one side have unlockables and the other doesn't? Oh yeah, it's because PVP was not a priority.

PVP needs to be prioritized for two reasons. One there was little content there at launch. Two, PVP changes are easier to implement and have greater impacts on the game for the same amount of time spent.

Updated 2 hours ago.
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