some vehicles are cluttered up in their tires, i do not mind the ways to avoid copy right but, iam asking that the tires and addons should be accurate to each truck, for example the US trucks has their own addons and the eurasian trucks use said addons aswell, creating clutter, hence lets give the eurasian trucks, free or DLC some love by giving them accurate tires and addons without having to add the same thing, its just that if its american trucks then their addons should be american, and if its eurasian then it would be that way like in mudrunner
american wilds trucks had different addon designs and trailers apart from the eurasian trucks, why not in snowrunner?, i get it that you guys are playing it safe but sometimes you need to sacrifice some stuff, or split the game for each platform, all that iam saying is the vehicles should be accurate in their addons,tires and trailers, it would be really nice to see, like the return of mudrunner's log carriers, log crane, and soviet addons with trailers