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Buyable Heavy Fuel Tanker Semi-Trailer

Game Options

a month ago
Oct 11, 2024, 3:12:48 PM

Since Heavy Fuel Tanker Semi-Trailer does have a use outside dedicated missions, and we've received two massive ZiKZ trucks that this trailer is dedicated for in real life, I think it's time to finally make it buyable in the trailer store.

I propose making it a unique reward for reaching level 30, a perfect addition for post-basegame regions.

Updated 2 days ago.
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20 days ago
Oct 18, 2024, 5:38:38 PM

It could even become buyable as early as having completed the task that makes You haul it to the factory in Black River, Michigan. - At that point You're clearly able to use it.

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20 days ago
Oct 18, 2024, 5:44:23 PM

Its fuel capacity is what I think should set it as a late-game reward, and I don't think reaching 30th lvl has any actual reward, two birds in one stone.

Updated 20 days ago.
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20 days ago
Oct 18, 2024, 6:42:10 PM

Nextej wrote:

... I don't think reaching 30th lvl has any actual reward, two birds in one stone.

Yes, in that context, it's perfectly reasonable. I like it.

What should the price be? - Should it simply have the same multiplier as its capacity compared to the regular Fuel Carrier Semi-Trailer, or should it be less dollars per liter as a reward for reaching the higher level and more difficulty dragging it around?

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20 days ago
Oct 18, 2024, 6:55:11 PM

Doesn't it already have some arbitrary price value defined? If not I guess I would take the price of the regular fuel semi-trailer and multiply it accordingly by difference divider between the fuel capacity of the two trailers. So it seems like that would be around 8100 money.

Updated 20 days ago.
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