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Cargo only ferry points


11 days ago
Dec 19, 2024, 10:06:50 AM

The cargo only ferry point allows for cargo to be moved from point A to point B. This allows for the 

supply or removal of cargo from a completely cut off map area (with only a garage to start). It can be 

a one way or a two way system and it can be cargo specific or cargo size limited ferry point. Story wise 

it can be a island where logging takes place with a one way barge ship to connect with the mainland to 

remove the logs. It can be a helicopter pad or a local airstrip ect.     

Updated 3 days ago.
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11 days ago
Dec 19, 2024, 6:50:16 PM

Kinda reminds me of the water towers from Ontario, where you fill one and can grab that water from another tower. If only it was used better on that map. 

I like this idea, though. 

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8 days ago
Dec 22, 2024, 4:35:38 PM

Or like the Conveyor Belt in Zherbai Quarries, which is used to transport silver from out of the mines, it had great potential. A great use would be to transport and deliver stones and rubble on one end of the conveyor and after a while silver is available on the other end at the factory.

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