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Kirovets K-700 Improvements


a month ago
Jan 9, 2025, 4:02:38 PM

Kirovets K-700

Taking away the always-on diff. lock was a nerf to the tractor. 

Farming fields are a mixture of dirt and mud. If you try to work a field without having diff. lock engaged you will find it’s hard to maintain a straight path. 

Solution: Revert the recent change to this tractor restoring it’s always-on diff. lock so that players can use this tractor to farm in all gears not just low gears. 

What is actually needed to improve the farming experience with the K-700 is two things. 

(1) Speed of articulation is way too slow. Increase the speed of articulation to make the tractor feel more responsive and easier to control. 

(2) Angle of articulation is too small. Increase the angle of articulation to allow the tractor to make tighter turns. 

Updated 2 days ago.
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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 5:14:30 AM

the engagable diff lock was a buff. Farming with perma diffs was a nightmare since the turning radius was abysmal. And do you really need to rip down the field at Mach 10?

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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 3:49:52 PM

IndexOut0fBounds wrote:

the engagable diff lock was a buff. Farming with perma diffs was a nightmare since the turning radius was abysmal. And do you really need to rip down the field at Mach 10?

It was not a buff. I am in Glades now. Yes on smooth terrain turning diff lock off results in a tighter turn. In a field with rows of little hills of mud and dirt it’s just better to have diff. lock on. You can toggle it off momentarily for a tiny bit sharper turn but if you keep it off you will lose momentum and will turn wide as your tires slip. Again the reason farming feels bad is because of the speed and range of articulation. And no a vehicle with an advanced special gearbox will never go Mach 10 I love it when you exaggerate to an extreme. Why even listen to you anymore? I won’t. 

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