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Additions To HardMode Or NG+

Game Options

6 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 3:44:02 PM

In my time playing Hardmode through 13 Season and Normal 13 Seasons; at a certain point the game feels as if there isn't much of a difference between the two. In the beginning the struggle to maintain was present due to low payments, lack of upgrades, lack of experience, and current vehicle options.

After time I believe Hardmode and Normal start to feel alike aside from vehicles in the store being way to inflated in price per performance. 

Currently HardMode feels as if its more centered ono a Logistical approach to the game. Players can plan and take extra streps to prevent  losing money. However, for a mode named "HardMode" I dont feel that it is Hard. 

I would propose adding an unpgrade randomizer found in the video linked below. I also would propose making it harder to level up in some capacity so that the max tires arent achieved so early in the game. Tire upgrades are essentially one of the strongest upgrades in SR. In that said link, NakedDave implemented those two ideas into one.

After playing this mode it made the game of SnowRunner feel almost as if it was a brand new experience. I had to strategize and use vehicles that recieved upgrades rather than the normal progression that is chronological in SnowRunner. Rather than use the almost fully upgraded Fleetstar, then transitioning to the White Western Star 4964;  The upgrades found (AWD upgrade Kodiak C70 in SmithVille Dam)  led me to use that truck as a workhorse. This mode challenged me far more than HardMode due to using proper techniques with lesser trucks, upgrades, and tires to claw my way through the journey.  While receiving a crucial upgrade for the Kodiak, the truck itself as we know isnt not on the same level as the WWS 4964 in terms of being a workhorse. Even so navigating  & hauling heavy cargo on a 4x4 with highway tires still posed challenges especially with a base engine and highway tires. In this way the game starts to feel difficult yet rewarding as the days when SnowRunner first launched in 2020. 

I beleive this could be an option to either add to HardMode or NG+ to further give SnowRunner Replay Value IF More Seasons are not planned.


Thank you for reading this.



Updated 8 hours ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 9:58:08 PM

An upgrade randomizer that is baked into the main game would be such an amazing feature. Same thing with truck spawns (realistically randomized) that way each playthrough can feel more unique.

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 8:48:03 AM

Yes, Random nature of things is something that can be a lot of fun in this game. I feel SR is more linear compared to Mudrunner where trucks spawn were somewhat random when you start or restart a map. 

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:04:41 PM

The upgrade randomizer would make things more diverse and interesting and help with replayability. However, making level and XP progression slower may hinder newer players or just players who have not purchased any dlcs.

I say this because depending on the severity of the XP nerf and only having three regions may not result in unlocking everything and be as satisfying or rewarding as it's intended to be

Of course, hardmode isn't necessarily the best start for new players, but some people may want a bit more initial challenge rather than the more casual game experience.

I propose the option to have at least two level XP multipliers alongside this addition: 1.0 (the current modifier) and 0.5 (half the total XP gain). This could be expanded upon by also adding in 0.75, and 0.25 for a slightly easier and harder experience respectively. For a truly hardmode experience, perhaps a 0.15 modifier or any other number smaller than .25 would help expand the difficulty far into the dlc regions.

This serves to please most players by giving them multiple options to control how they would like to play the game.

Updated 6 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 26, 2024, 5:40:01 PM

Add it in NG+ or another game option. Don't mess with the existing hard mode. I don't want my game messed up.

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13 hours ago
Mar 3, 2025, 4:43:52 AM

involuntarysoul wrote:

give us an option to turn level cap on JAT tires, having access to offroad tire at level 1 is game breaking


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