Please update the shaders so mods have the option to use multi-layered Car Paint materials. (Clear Coat: Roughness/Opacity/Normal).
I know the Devs are against clean paint jobs but this would open a whole new world for mods.
The maps are beautiful but the vehicles have always looked look so flat and one-dimensional. Even in Roadcraft, most of the clean trucks look like toys since there is no depth to the paint.
If you decide to move forward with another year of SR this would add something new for those of us who are bored with modding the game, because we frankly haven’t revived any new features to play with in years when it comes to vehicles.
Just about every modern car game has car paint-style textures and seeing a proper dusty metallic paint job in SR & Roadcraft would be amazing.
I recently put some of my mods (this is modder JohnJohnHotRod) in UE5 and was blown away at how good my mods looked with the same textures I used in SR. It’s a night and day difference. I just used a car paint clear coat over a metallic base instead of the lifeless gloss paint that we need to use now. Thanks!
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