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4 months ago Nov 12,2024, 10:23:22 AM

Patch 4.5 is available!

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Greetings Space Marines!

The 4.5 update for Space Marine 2 is now live! In addition to bringing a new Secondary Weapon to all players, Patch 4.5 provides buffs to a handful of Primary Weapons and addresses a number of bugs and connection issues. 

Read the patch notes below for the complete details:


New Weapon: Neo-Volkite Pistol

The Neo-Volkite Pistol, a powerful thermal ray weapon, is now available for the Assault, Vanguard, and Bulwark classes!

Unlike other weapons, the Neo-Volkite Pistol blasts a heat ray onto your enemies, dealing accumulative thermal damage. Focusing on one enemy will ramp up the damage—until it generates a localised explosion for huge damage to your target and all nearby enemies.

Please note that the Neo-Volkite Pistol will only be available in Operations mode for now as we continue to experiment with balancing in PvP. It will be added to Eternal War mode in our next major update alongside a new Operations map, a new enemy, and the Dark Angels cosmetics. Until then though, you’ll be able to try it out against your friends in the Battle Barge’s Sparring Arena!


Weapons (Operations mode only)



👉 Slightly reduced amount of heat generated by normal and charged shots for versions: 

 - Master-Crafted - Alpha 

 - Salvation of Bakka - Alpha 

 - Gathalamor Crusade - Alpha

👉 Fixed a bug that would cause several versions not producing heat at all.



👉 Fire rate increased from 50 to 60 rounds per minute. 

👉 Headshot bonus increased from x2 to x2.5. 




👉 Scope added 

👉 Headshot bonus increased from x1 to x1.33 



👉 Adjusted damage falloff curve: Base damage increased by 50% for the first 10 meters, after that, the damage drops to the original pre-patch value. 



👉 Max ammo increased by 1 magazine for each version. 


 - Fixed a bug causing unlocked DLC cosmetic items to get locked again after a restart.

 - Fixed a bug causing the Sniper perk "Targeted Shot" to not work after swapping weapons. 

 - Fixed a bug causing the Sniper invisibility not getting removed after a shot in rare cases. 

 - Fixed a bug preventing players from muting the others in PvP. 

 - Fixed several perks not triggering correctly from enemy kills. 

 - Fixed a bug that prevented certain weapon perks from triggering correctly when reaching a specific HP threshold.


 - Crash fixes and general stability improvements. 

 - Fixed server disconnects with unstable user connection. 

 - General connectivity improvements.

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:30:40 AM

We are still in great need of bullet sponge enemies being addressed in some way. The fact that we still need to put 5-6 relic bolt rifle shots into a gaunt to kill it is not acceptable. Across the board, with the singular exception of cultists, enemies are too tanky and spongy. The bolt buffs from the previous patch made things slightly better, but it did not address the core issue, which is just that enemies have too much health.

To my knowledge, this was acknowledged as an issue by the devs some time ago, so when can we expect an actual effort being made to fix it?

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:30:57 AM

Still no news about DLSS3/FSR3 and Frame Generation? Really disappointing honestly.

Frame Generation could save mine and a lot of others game performance with how insanely cpu-bound it is.

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:33:50 AM

AlphaOmegaMan wrote:

We are still in great need of bullet sponge enemies being addressed in some way. The fact that we still need to put 5-6 relic bolt rifle shots into a gaunt to kill it is not acceptable. Across the board, with the singular exception of cultists, enemies are too tanky and spongy. The bolt buffs from the previous patch made things slightly better, but it did not address the core issue, which is just that enemies have too much health.

To my knowledge, this was acknowledged as an issue by the devs some time ago, so when can we expect an actual effort being made to fix it?

i'm starting to think that they are not going to. it's literally just a numerical change and it's taken them months. 

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:44:18 AM

AlphaOmegaMan wrote:

We are still in great need of bullet sponge enemies being addressed in some way. The fact that we still need to put 5-6 relic bolt rifle shots into a gaunt to kill it is not acceptable. Across the board, with the singular exception of cultists, enemies are too tanky and spongy. The bolt buffs from the previous patch made things slightly better, but it did not address the core issue, which is just that enemies have too much health.

To my knowledge, this was acknowledged as an issue by the devs some time ago, so when can we expect an actual effort being made to fix it?

It's probably because you don't really understand how the game works. You DON'T need to put 5-6 relic bolt rifle shots into a gaunt to kill them. In fact, a headshot is a OHK on gaunts with ALL bolt weapons. Instead of endlessly asking for these weapons to be made massively over powered specifically for you, why don't you let the developers slowly implement their own changes at their own pace instead of pandering to the most vocal, but least skilled whiners?

They've already buffed bolt weapons twice already, why don't actually PLAY THE GAME before complaining about bolt weapons not being strong enough (AGAIN)? And I know you haven't played it yet because the patch JUST DROPPED literally 5 minutes ago. God this community, most gaming communities are so awful and petulant and whiny..

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:47:19 AM

At the end of the year, the player count will drop to only 2,000-5,000 players per day. You should invest resources in the horde mode; if you can’t attract both old and new players, your next season pass won’t sell for sure  
To be honest, it's incredibly boring. I don’t even want to download it, no matter what kind of update it is. It’s different from Darktide, which I always download and play whenever there’s a new update. Saber, you haven’t learned anything from WWZ. You just can’t attract old and new players the way you should 
You spent three months creating content, wasting time and resources. No wonder people keep tossing your company around
If you can't come up with content, then use your resources wisely to create servers for modders and allow open modding. Look at Bethesda— they sell only a few games, but they've lasted nearly 20 years

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:51:40 AM

Praise the Emperor, we appreciate your swift content releases! A little disappointed that only 3 classes are able to use the Volkite, but alas, i am happy it is here! We also appreciate the buffs to bolters, but I feel an increase of 5% - 10% across the board will be perfect. Especially as certain weapons (Las Fusil for e.g) are leagues above the bolter weapons as of now ❤️

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:57:39 AM

Some decent buffs, but please show some more love for the melee weapons. It's a bit sad, that the main dmg from melee comes from parrying and gunstriking and not the actual hits.

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 10:58:39 AM

How much longer do we have to wait for FSR 3? This does not seem to me to be a hard implementation to be done. And I'm sure a lot of people are waiting for it, especially as this game is not one of the lightest for hardware.

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 11:05:06 AM

Hi, do any of the above changes come into effect for PVP? Any news on if there will be updates on PVP

side of things in the future. I solely play PVP and the scene feels neglected  :(

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 11:10:15 AM

This is great but we can please get some difficulty tweaks as well? Playing solo is way too hard right now. We should be able to have a difficulty scale depending on a number of AI players on the team.

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 11:22:33 AM

Necrilem wrote:

Still no news about DLSS3/FSR3 and Frame Generation? Really disappointing honestly.

Frame Generation could save mine and a lot of others game performance with how insanely cpu-bound it is.

Yeah I'm still waiting for Nvidia Reflex (latency is through the roof when using a controller); DLSS Frame Gen and AMD's FSR3. +1 

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4 months ago
Nov 12, 2024, 11:38:53 AM
Sounds good, will have to do a test run this evening. 

I think upping the headshot multiplier on bolt weapons is probably the right move, if we can do that for the other bolt weapons, including the bolt rifles and heavy bolt rifle I think it'll get the bolt weapons into a pretty good position. 
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