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3 months ago Nov 28,2024, 08:27:43 AM

Vote for us at the Steam Awards!


​Brothers and Sisters of the Imperium

​The time has come to make your voice heard! Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is contending for “Game of the Year” at the Steam Awards, and we need your support to claim this honor. You can vote now here.

We believe Space Marine 2 shows our dedication to the Warhammer 40k universe, it’s also a testament to the essence of gaming: epic stories, exhilarating combat, and unforgettable moments with your friends.

Space Marine 2.jpg

​If you felt the thunder of a bolter, the weight of a chainsword, and the call of the Emperor, show your devotion by nominating us for Game of the Year.

Together, we march to victory!

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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 11:28:29 AM

"If you felt the thunder of a bolter, the weight of a chainsword ..." - nice joke

Bolters are peashooters on higher difficulties. 

For exaple: after "Biggest" bolter weapon buff - Relic Auto-Bolt Riffle now had not 1.6 DMG but 2 DMG and one extra mag. "WoW. Amazing. Game Changer." but headshot multiplier are still 1x :\ and enemies HP modifier are 4x :\ (Base Tyranid Warrior if datamine correct had 70 HP on minimal threat that means he had 280 HP on ruthless and lethal - is't this a joke?) also on lethal added new "Enrage" mechanics that restore enemy HP to max  and make them immune to stagger :\.

Chainsword and all melee weapon feels more like metal pipes that not cut throug flesh and bones but hits like bold metal bar (Except execute animations they are juicy. My favourite is power sword). Same problem like with bolter weapon HP modifiers are 4x but all weapon had only +60% DMG from grey one on relic weapon variants. Maybe devs should call Fatsharks they got 7 Difs but they don't touch HP or DMG modifiers on weapon (Exept DMG dealt to players).

All gameplay based on gunstrikes and executes not in Bolter Hellstorm or Reaping enemies apart in CQB. Typical gameplay on every mission: you see melee attack or blue circle press "Parry" then press "Fire" to make gunstrike, see red circle press "Dodge" then press fire to gunstrike and thats all. Congrats you complete all 7 mission in one of 3-4,5 hours session on lethal.

PvP is just boring with ZERO replayability. 3 Maps, 3 Gamemodes 2 of them are just the same hold the point. TTK is too low for duels between Space Marines. Class balance got some questions. Matchmaking is a joke and with no autobalance after match ending. Even Relic Entertaiment, who more know as developers of RTS, made priority in balance and matchmaking in 2011.

Seriously. Devs maybe any response on hot topics on your forums? Many people already abandon even trying to commuicate with you. Every posts on forums repeats same questions again and again. Ideas section had 7144 unrespounded topics (some of them are same, but most upvoted still ignored).

Maybe some news about your development achivements and news about next "Big patch" with just already shown cosmetics that was what about one month ago and new "Very fun" Chaos operation that maybe was in developmet before realese like the "Termination" (That only my suggestion)?

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 6:29:47 PM

Nerso_Onato wrote:

"If you felt the thunder of a bolter, the weight of a chainsword ..." - nice joke

Bolters are peashooters on higher difficulties. 

For exaple: after "Biggest" bolter weapon buff - Relic Auto-Bolt Riffle now had not 1.6 DMG but 2 DMG and one extra mag. "WoW. Amazing. Game Changer." but headshot multiplier are still 1x :\ and enemies HP modifier are 4x :\ (Base Tyranid Warrior if datamine correct had 70 HP on minimal threat that means he had 280 HP on ruthless and lethal - is't this a joke?) also on lethal added new "Enrage" mechanics that restore enemy HP to max  and make them immune to stagger :\.

Chainsword and all melee weapon feels more like metal pipes that not cut throug flesh and bones but hits like bold metal bar (Except execute animations they are juicy. My favourite is power sword). Same problem like with bolter weapon HP modifiers are 4x but all weapon had only +60% DMG from grey one on relic weapon variants. Maybe devs should call Fatsharks they got 7 Difs but they don't touch HP or DMG modifiers on weapon (Exept DMG dealt to players).

All gameplay based on gunstrikes and executes not in Bolter Hellstorm or Reaping enemies apart in CQB. Typical gameplay on every mission: you see melee attack or blue circle press "Parry" then press "Fire" to make gunstrike, see red circle press "Dodge" then press fire to gunstrike and thats all. Congrats you complete all 7 mission in one of 3-4,5 hours session on lethal.

PvP is just boring with ZERO replayability. 3 Maps, 3 Gamemodes 2 of them are just the same hold the point. TTK is too low for duels between Space Marines. Class balance got some questions. Matchmaking is a joke and with no autobalance after match ending. Even Relic Entertaiment, who more know as developers of RTS, made priority in balance and matchmaking in 2011.

Seriously. Devs maybe any response on hot topics on your forums? Many people already abandon even trying to commuicate with you. Every posts on forums repeats same questions again and again. Ideas section had 7144 unrespounded topics (some of them are same, but most upvoted still ignored).

Maybe some news about your development achivements and news about next "Big patch" with just already shown cosmetics that was what about one month ago and new "Very fun" Chaos operation that maybe was in developmet before realese like the "Termination" (That only my suggestion)?

Touch grass

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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 7:19:26 PM

AndyPlays wrote:

Nerso_Onato wrote:

"If you felt the thunder of a bolter, the weight of a chainsword ..." - nice joke

Bolters are peashooters on higher difficulties. 

For exaple: after "Biggest" bolter weapon buff - Relic Auto-Bolt Riffle now had not 1.6 DMG but 2 DMG and one extra mag. "WoW. Amazing. Game Changer." but headshot multiplier are still 1x :\ and enemies HP modifier are 4x :\ (Base Tyranid Warrior if datamine correct had 70 HP on minimal threat that means he had 280 HP on ruthless and lethal - is't this a joke?) also on lethal added new "Enrage" mechanics that restore enemy HP to max  and make them immune to stagger :\.

Chainsword and all melee weapon feels more like metal pipes that not cut throug flesh and bones but hits like bold metal bar (Except execute animations they are juicy. My favourite is power sword). Same problem like with bolter weapon HP modifiers are 4x but all weapon had only +60% DMG from grey one on relic weapon variants. Maybe devs should call Fatsharks they got 7 Difs but they don't touch HP or DMG modifiers on weapon (Exept DMG dealt to players).

All gameplay based on gunstrikes and executes not in Bolter Hellstorm or Reaping enemies apart in CQB. Typical gameplay on every mission: you see melee attack or blue circle press "Parry" then press "Fire" to make gunstrike, see red circle press "Dodge" then press fire to gunstrike and thats all. Congrats you complete all 7 mission in one of 3-4,5 hours session on lethal.

PvP is just boring with ZERO replayability. 3 Maps, 3 Gamemodes 2 of them are just the same hold the point. TTK is too low for duels between Space Marines. Class balance got some questions. Matchmaking is a joke and with no autobalance after match ending. Even Relic Entertaiment, who more know as developers of RTS, made priority in balance and matchmaking in 2011.

Seriously. Devs maybe any response on hot topics on your forums? Many people already abandon even trying to commuicate with you. Every posts on forums repeats same questions again and again. Ideas section had 7144 unrespounded topics (some of them are same, but most upvoted still ignored).

Maybe some news about your development achivements and news about next "Big patch" with just already shown cosmetics that was what about one month ago and new "Very fun" Chaos operation that maybe was in developmet before realese like the "Termination" (That only my suggestion)?

Touch grass

He’s got a point. You just saw a big wall of text and decided that it was dumb and didn’t even bother to read it…

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2 months ago
Dec 9, 2024, 12:00:28 AM

I don't need someone else to tell me if a game is good or not, I can decide for myself.

I love this game and I'm perfectly happy with my purchase and I believe it should at least be considered for game of the year. This is my personal favorite and I will stand by that choice. Glory to the imperium.

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