Dear Focus Entertainment and Saber Interactive team, 

I'm writing to report a critical, widespread issue affecting the multiplayer functionality of Space Marine 2. Since the game's release, a significant number of players have been unable to access multiplayer features due to persistent server connection problems.

The most common issue is players getting stuck on the "Joining Server" screen indefinitely. This problem has been reported on XBOX, PC and PlayStation platforms and affects various multiplayer modes.

This issue has been extensively documented by the community. A megathread on Reddit has been created to compile player experiences and bring attention to the problem:

[MEGA-THREAD] "Joining Server" / Connection Issues

Key points:

  1. The issue is affecting a large number of players.
  2. It's impacting both PC, XBOX and PlayStation platforms.
  3. Multiple multiplayer modes are affected, including co-op campaign.
  4. Suggested workarounds have been inconsistent in their effectiveness.
  5. The problem persists even after the game's official release.

We kindly request:

  1. Official acknowledgment of this issue.
  2. Regular updates on the progress towards a fix.
  3. A clear timeline for when players can expect the multiplayer to function as intended.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your response and to being able to fully enjoy Space Marine 2's multiplayer experience.

Kind Regards,
