Occasionally when selecting a weapon to be equipped Armoury Data is consumed to master the weapon instantly, with no "hold to interact".

I'm unsure if it is related to another bug where the weapon selection screen shows multiple variants of weapon as being equipped 

e.g On tactical 1 loadout I unlock the Master Crafted tier, I purchase a new Green rarity pistol, which is automatically equipped.

I swap to loadout 2 to equip the new pistol, the weapon select screen shows that both pistols (or more if the 3 class loadouts have 3 different variants of the same weapon) are equipped via the gold marker in the top corner of the weapons icon.

When I attempt to equip the newly unlocked weapon, the game both equips the weapon and instantly spends an Armoury Data to master it.

I am unsure as to the level of the interaction of these 2 bugs (UI showing multiple weapons equipped, instant spending of Armoury Data) other than I have seen them both occur at the same time. 

I suspect that this bug occurs more frequently when changing tiers of weapon (unlocking, purchasing and equipping Artificer and then moving to a loadout that has Standard or Master Crafted equipped) but am unsure.

I currently don't have a screen shot of the multiple weapons showing equipped, and lack the armoury data or XP thresholds in order to test these again and obtain screenshots, but will update later if possible.

This isn't consistent, but frequent enough that its annoyed me, Lost about 4 purple tier data due to this.

Note that the Armoury Data being consumed instantly has also been reported by user stefan3141, but I was unable to add my report to that thread, and that user reported the issue when equipping a weapon on a different class.

Edit/Update: I've managed to get some screenshots showing the weapon selection screen showing multiple weapons equipped at the same time. Note that while the Thunder Hammer selection screen shows two variants equipped, this was the only loadout with a Thunder Hammer selected.