level 16 heavy, get into a few online games with players, few hours later i am level 20 and 3 quarters of the way through a mission and it freezes and disconnects me. 

I get back to the ship and i am back to level 16.... 

I reloaded thinking it was just a bug... it will come back...

Nope all progress lost.

Next day i get back in get back to level 19 and log off after equipping new perks and armour.

Get back on later..... you guessed it! Back to level 16 heavy!!! 

What is going on!?!? 

Can i get my lost xp back 

I work fulltime, i have a 3 year old and a pregnant wife and i have very limited game time....

Do i get my time back? Its a fun game but lets sort out the saves before we worry about pointless stuff. Let me save my own game on my own hard drive.

No point having cosmetics i cant unlock if i cant keep my xp in the bank... 

Deadset joke