​Okay, So I think the last achievement I need on Steam is bugged. Here's everything I've tracked that I've marked, 30 things but stuck at 22/23

  1. Hormagaunt

  2. Termagant

  3. Hormagaunt with adrenal

  4. Warrior with sword

  5. Warrior with whip

  6. Warrior with Devourer

  7. Warrior with Venom cannon

  8. Warrior with Barbed Strangler

  9. Ravener

  10. Lictor

  11. Carnifex

  12. Zorothrope

  13. Neurothrope

  14. Hive tyrant

  15. Cultist with autogun

  16. Cultists with lasgun

  17. Cultists with longlas

  18. Tzaangor

  19. Chaos marine with bolter

  20. Chaos marine with flamer

  21. Chaos terminator with Reaper missiles

  22. Chaos terminator with power sword

  23. Chaos sorceror

  24. Heldrake

  25. Helbrute

  26. Imurah when trying to message Calgar

  27. All 4 Imurah clones after protecting the beacon

  28. Imurah showing himself in the dig site while making my way to Leuze

  29. Imurah when he's floating above Leuze's dome

  30. Imurah multiple times during fight each time it switches between him and the avatar of Tzeentch

All of them except Heldrake and Imurah have been marked in both operations and the campaign. Heldrake was only marked during operation, didn't see if I could mark him before Valius knocks him out with the stone column.