2025.01.03 1:48:44 (UTC+2) KSIVA : b1fde KSID : b1fde95d-c963-81ef-a289-cfc5018eff26 GV : 5.1.PATCH.439948/440696 Y2F61 <font face='$UniversalFont'>Kolibri</font> SKSIVA : --- UNKNOWN READY_TO_SEARCH ExSID : none

We were playing PvE: Operations with my friend. I was playing the Assault class. It was during the last fight of the mission, where we gotta blow those tyranids with promethium gas lines.

I stood near the edge of the (extraction) platform and the pits, where tyranids come climbing up the wall. There, I activated the promethium console, tried to quick jump to the other side, when I just suddenly spin few rounds in the air with a crazy speed, then did the ground hit to, where the tyranids were climbing up. I survived fighting all those tyranids down there and the next stop was gonna be extraction.

I couldn't get myself up into the platforms, because of the short jump the jump packs give and so, couldn't extract and was forced to quit.