KSIVA: 38227


As of Jan. 14, 2025 (approx. 10:30pm PST), network performance suddenly got very poor.  It started out with Annihilation but was also observed in other modes.  I get the red icon in the upper-right corner despite having a ping of 55.


* Other players skip around when running and often teleport short distances

* Assault players were particularly hard to kill, as they teleported from the ground to the top of their jump and then teleported back down so you couldn't track them

* Notification icons (kills, badges, etc) do not show up or show up sporadically

* Some badges are not credited at all, though all kills seem to be

This last part was particularly problematic when I killed 5 players before my first death and still did not get Merciless.

Other Observations:

* In a server with 55 ping, this happened.  In a server with 156 ping, the game played perfectly with no issues.  I suspect a bad set of North American servers in some form.

* This has been observed in operations as well, but the effects are less pronounced

* I am on the West Coast of the US.

* Rebooting the computer did not fix the issue.

* Rebooting the router did not fix the issue.

Repro Steps:

* There aren't really any.  I just played the game and joined a match.  It made no difference if I joined a random one or specified the game type.

System Specs:


* i7-1400k

* 32gb RAM

* Nvidia 4080 Super (latest drivers)

Network (according to fast.com):

* 1gbs down, 360gbs up at the time of testing

* Ping to affected servers stayed between 55 and 57