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Assault needs a focused identity

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3 hours ago
Mar 5, 2025, 6:10:47 PM

(This is not an aimless complaint post! This is an overview of Assault vs Vanguard to help identify areas for improvement.)

The Assault class has a lack of design cohesion and no room for error as a player.

Playing the Assault class to 25 and dabbling in Ruthless (unsuccessfully) versus just starting to level the Vanguard, it is painfully clear why the Assault is so frustrating. There is a startling lack of defensive, or good offensive, class perks. The Vanguard is so exceptionally well designed to play as a high risk, high reward combat style. The Assault is a highly complicated, melee, glass cannon that requires perfection to compete. Almost all of the posts I stumble across stating Assault is fine are those posting videos taking virtually zero hits or getting hit 1-3 times over an entire operation. This makes sense as those that can master never being touched can excel at making the Assault a deadly force because they are avoiding the majority of the shortcomings.

Assault perks, in their current (20250305) state, feel like they were put in as placeholder values or copied-then-changed-slightly from Vanguard or Bulwark. It looks like there was an attempt to allow building around Melee's Charged Attacks (:coughThunderHammercough:), but none of the supporting defensive perks are there. Additionally, it feels like the Assault was intended to focus on Armour Segments as the 'survival resource', while the Vanguard is almost exclusively using Health (based on the huge amount of Health Damage reduction and healing).

Before I start going point by point, there is one glaring issue affecting all classes (but Assault extremely hard): THERE IS A SYNC BUG BETWEEN THE CONTROLLER STATE AND GAME STATE! On all classes, I've noticed that when I try to activate two things (Attack + Jump Pack) at once or get staggered immediately as I activate but before it "triggers" (Jump Pack), the controller state seems to treat the button like it's held down and DOES NOT FUNCTION but the game state is clearly not matching (controller says I activated Jump Pack and refuses to accept more input, the game shows me running away while I spam 'Q' to no effect).

Combat Style

Assault looks like it might have been planned with two distinct playstyles in mind, one being aggressively offensive melee focused (proactive) and the other being defensively focused on Parry/Dodge into Gun Strike chains (reactive). Neither setup utilizes the Block mechanic!

Vanguard feels like it focuses on a more aggressive, front lines playstyle but has the supporting perks to make it happen.

Assault: The Melee focused setup feels built almost exclusively for the Thunder Hammer, which would be fine if the supporting perks were there. The frustrating part is the protection from loss of control or knockbacks only come while charging a melee attack or for 10 seconds after a Ground Pound (base cooldown 60 seconds). While actually executing the Charged Attack, the protection from Perseverance is removed and we get smacked around. 

Vanguard: Melee damage bonuses are more sparse, but the supporting defensive and Healing-on-Kill perks make it much more viable. It also has the ability to go toe-to-claw with greater ease given the massive bonuses to damage reduction and avoidance.

Assault: The Gun Strike focused setup feels a bit more durable until one needs to handle crowds, which is where it becomes tedious and mostly hurry-up-and-wait. The Jump Pack would be an acceptable solution to this problem, were it more than a cooldown to buff damage briefly.

Vanguard: They can increase Dodge and Parry windows by 50%, immunity to loss of control/knockback after Perfect Parry, Dodge, or Block(!) for 10 seconds, 20% less Health Damage after Perfect Parry, Dodge, or Block(!) for 5 seconds, and doubled Perfect Dodge window when below 50% health. This makes Gun Strikes significantly easier to setup.

For comparison on dodge windows: Substantial+ has 0.13s, Assault has 0.195s, Vanguard has 0.195s or 0.39s if below 50% Health (assuming defensive perks).

Signature Ability

This is where the post gets a bit less gentle as the Jump Pack is frustrating at the best of times and outright useless at the worst. It feels weird to have a lot of the Assault damage built around the Jump Pack being used defensively (and perfectly), but much less useful things outside of that.

Assault is one of the least (if not the least) reliable options due to dropping right back down in place, being MELEE'D to death while in the air, the pitiful travel distance, and the failure to function as expected (dodging instead of ascending). The Gear perks focus on either using the Jump Pack offensively for Ground Pound attacks or only to stack temporary damage bonuses via Perfect Dodge. The latter of which are completely disregarded if a Perfect Dodge isn't executed using a Jump Pack charge. It is possible to focus on using the Jump Pack for mitigation and disruption, but the loss of damage feels too extreme to make it an option.

  1. Ground Pound: Stacking Precision Strike + Zealous Blow + Pride in Duty can help in bursting down a Majoris or Extremis
  2. Perfect Dodge: Stacking Precision Strike + Wings of Flame + Aerial Grace + Commitment can lead to huge, but brief damage bonuses if a Perfect Dodge is executed with the Jump Pack.
  3. Mitigation: Stacking Hammer of Wrath + Maneuverability + Diligence for minor ranged damage reduction (15s reduction, 48s cooldown) and extra fully prepared Ground Pound damage.

Vanguard has the ability to select a target at close to mid range and stagger (or execute) while being entirely immune through the process. It can be used in a variety of combinations to great effect.

  1. AOE Damage: Stacking Collateral Damage + Zone of Impact + Combat Readiness allows one to damage everything on the path to the target and damaging everything near the hooked target.
  2. Increasing Damage Output/Dealt: Stacking Collateral Damage + Tip of the Spear + Grim Determination allows one to take hit all foes on the path to the target, make those same foes take 15% more Ranged Damage for 10 seconds, and increase Weapon Damage by 15% when fully on cooldown.
  3. Increase Survivability: Stacking Restless Fortitude + Zone of Impact + Thrill of the Fight reduces Ranged Damage taken by 40% for 10s, damaging all enemies near an Diving Kick executed target, and reducing Health Damage taken by 20% for 5 seconds after a Perfect Parry, Dodge, or Block(!)

Team Support

This is another area where Assault feels just generic and passive, while the Vanguard has massive bonuses through active play.

Assault feels like it only has one useful Team perk, until Absolute and its 3 Extremis spawns, and that is Proven Efficiency. Squad Cohesion is bland, Strategic Strikes is situationally useful in that Terminus enemies are much less melee friendly (feels like this is only for Ground Pound attacks), and Proven Efficiency helps everyone.

  1. Squad Cohesion - All Squad Members' Abilities recharge 10% faster
  2. Strategic Strikes - All Squad Members deal 20% more Melee Damage against Extremis- and Terminus-level enemies
  3. Proven Efficiency - All Squad Members deal 30% more Gun Strike Damage

Vanguard gets a global melee damage bonus against all enemies, free stim when executing an Extremis/Terminus enemy, or Ability Charge cooldown reduction on Majoris+ finishers (with Majoris accounting for 70% or greater of the enemies fought).

  1. Melee Champion - All Squad Members deal 15% more Melee Damage
  2. Unmatched Zeal - Melee Finishers of Extremis- or Terminus-level enemies additionally restore Health by 30% for any Squad Member
  3. Inner Fire - All Squad Members can restore Ability Charge by 15% by performing Finishers on Majoris-level or higher enemies

How to address this?

Define the Assault class as something other than a miscellaneous collection of unfocused perks. 

My suggestion to the above is to make the Assault lean fully into Armour Segments, focus the melee into less gimmicky Charge->Dodge->Charge, buff team crowd-handling, and let the Jump Pack be used both offensively and defensively with perks specializing (not penalizing) in either direction.

Minimum Requirements

  1. Bake 'Non-Finisher Gun Strikes restore 1 Armour Segment' into the Class Perk.
  2. Fix the takeoff and flying height. 
    1. If the Tzaangor Enlightened can easily zip around multiple layers while doing melee & ranged attacks, the Jump Pack can too!
  3. Add invulnerability frames during takeoff and during Ground Pound (during descent and until the player is controllable again), but leave the "at full height" open to being shot (NOT MELEE'D).
  4. Add some form of loss of control/knockback immunity to delivering charged attacks too! 
    1. Being immune until starting to deliver before being immediately knocked down wastes the risk taken to charge or fully charge a melee attack.

The suggested alterations have suggested values as I do not claim to have all knowing knowledge, nor do I have access to that hot, delicious data that Saber does. They are opinionated and possibly hilariously out of touch in places, but hopefully this will spawn some kind of conversation about the Assault class!

Lastly, the prefixing [Thing,#] indicates the grouping and the column number (counting left to right).

Suggested Alterations

  1. [Core, 1] Alter 'Armour Reinforcement' to something akin to "Restore an additional Armour Segment on executions or Perfect Block detonations", swap with 'Overcharge' (making this accessible sooner).
  2. [Core, 2] Alter 'Auxiliary Arsenal' to double this bonus against flying enemies (or perhaps Extremis+).
    1. Dealing with Zoanthropes, Neurothropes, and Tzaangor Enlightened is a massive pain point if in a melee heavy group or low/no ammo evenly split team.
  3. [Core, 2] Replace 'Retribution' with something akin to "You take 20% less Melee Damage".
    1. This provides some much needed breathing room to make melee combat feel less "1 hit, 1 respawn".
  4. [Core, 3] Alter 'Perseverance' to grant immunity to loss of control/knockbacks for 10s after an execution, replacing current effect.
    1. This provides a benefit across the board, instead of only those with spammable Charge Attacks.
  5. [Core, 3] Alter 'Knowledge of the Enemy' to increase melee damage by 15% against Majoris+ enemies.
  6. [Core, 3] Alter 'Act of Attrition' to last for 5 seconds, but stack up to 40% so long as the enemy is struck at least once every five seconds.
    1. This addresses the need to waste Jump Pack on Dodging for similar bonuses. It also encourages aggressive melee play to deal DPS race down targets (high risk, high reward).
  7. [Team] Rework 'Squad Cohesion' with "Increase Equipment Charges by 1" and/or "Equipment Damage and radius increased by 25%".
    1. This helps the Assault bring swarm support without directly rolling around in the swarm.
  8. [Team] Alter 'Strategic Strikes' to also include 10-20% less Melee Damage taken from those same enemies types.
  9. [Gear, 1] Alter 'Smiting Angel' to also include Ground Pound radius increase of 25-50%.
  10. [Gear, 1] Alter 'Hammer of Wrath' to reduce Ranged Damage taken by 20-30% for 10 seconds, removing the immunity to loss of control/knockback.
    1. Maybe swap the names of 'Smiting Angel' and 'Hammer of Wrath'?
  11. [Gear, 2] Swap 'Maneuverability' and 'Wings of Flame' positions, making the cooldown reduction accessible much earlier to learning characters.
  12. [Gear, 2] Rework 'Zealous Blow' to restore 10% of a charge on Majoris+ execution, disregarding the requirement for a Ground Pound.
  13. [Gear, 3] Rework 'Diligence' to be the inverse of 'Pride in Duty', similar to "After a Ground Pound, deal 15-25% more Melee Damage for 10 seconds".
  14. [Signature] Replace 'Ascension' with almost anything else.
    1. Maybe damage increase based on height of take off, with max height being 200%?
  15. [Signature] Rework 'Commitment' to reduce the number of Jump Pack Ability Charges to 1, but all Perfect Dodges become Jump Pack Perfect Dodges.
    1. This removes the frustrating tradeoff of risking a one minute cooldown for a paltry 10 seconds of extra damage. Successfully making the dodge would restore the charge, but failing felt significantly too punishing.

Hopefully this helps spawn some conversation, even constructively critical commentary of the post as a whole. 

For the Emperor!

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3 hours ago
Mar 5, 2025, 6:14:20 PM

Here are the perks as the exist today (20250305). 

Group,ColumnNameCurrent EffectNameCurrent Effect
Core,1Winged FuryDamage from Melee Attacks executed while sprinting or dashing increases by 40%Moving TargetEach Melee Attack you land reduces the Ranged Damage you take by 2% (up to 20%). If you do not land a Melee Attack for 5 seconds, the effect ends.
Core,1OverchargeDamage from Charged Melee Attacks increases by 25%Melee MasteryMelee Damage increases by 10% against Majoris-level and higher enemies
Core,1Armour ReinforcementNon-Finisher Gun Strikes restore 1 Armour SegmentUpper HandAfter a perfectly timed Parry, Block, or Dodge, you do not lose control upon taking Heavy Hits and you cannot be knocked back for 10 seconds
Core,2Auxiliary ArsenalSecondary Weapon's Damage increases by 15%DuellistPerfect Parry and Perfect Block windows increase by 50%
Core,2RetributionAfter you are grabbed or knocked back, you deal 25% more Melee Damage for 20 secondsClose-Combat FocusYou take 20% less Ranged Damage
Core,2Consecutive ExecutionKilling 10 enemies in rapid succession restores Equipment Charge by 1. Cooldown is 90 seconds.ConvictionWhen your Armor is fully depleted, you take 25% less Health Damage for 10 seconds
Core,3PerseveranceWhile performing Charged Attacks, you take 25% less Health Damage, do not lose control upon taking Heavy Hits, and cannot be knocked backRetributionAfter you are grabbed or knocked back, you deal 25% more Melee Damage for 15 seconds
Core,3Knowledge of the EnemyMelee Damage increases by 15% against Majoris or Extremis-level enemiesConsecutive ExecutionKilling 10 enemies in rapid succession restores Equipment Charge by 1. Cooldown is 90 seconds.
Core,3Act of AttritionEnemies hit by Melee Attacks take 10% more Damage for 3 secondsHoned ReactionsWhen your Health is less than 50%, your Perfect Dodge window is doubled
TeamSquad CohesionAll Squad Members' Abilities recharge 10% fasterMelee ChampionAll Squad Members deal 15% more Melee Damage
TeamStrategic StrikesAll Squad Members deal 20% more Melee Damage against Extremis- and Terminus-level enemiesUnmatched ZealMelee Finishers of Extremis- or Terminus-level enemies additionally restore Health by 30% for any Squad Member
TeamProven EfficiencyAll Squad Members deal 30% more Gun Strike DamageInner FireAll Squad Members can restore Ability Charge by 15% by performing Finishers on Majoris-level or higher enemies
Gear,1Smiting AngelGround Pound's Damage increases by 10%Restless FortitudeAfter a Diving Kick, you take 40% less Ranged Damage for 10 seconds
Gear,1Hammer of WrathAfter a Ground Pound, you take 15% less Ranged Damage, do not lose control upon taking Heavy Hits, and cannot be knocked back for 10 secondsShock WaveDiving Kick additionally deals Damage in a 5-metre radius
Gear,1Precision StrikeGround Pound deals 100% more Damage, but its radius is reduced by 50%Collateral DamageDiving Kick deals 10% more damage and additionally damages enemies on the way to the Grapnel Launcher's target
Gear,2Wings of FlameA Jump Pack Dash damages enemies along its trajectory and always works as a Perfect Dodge when dodging an attackZone of ImpactPerforming a Finisher with the Grapnel Launcher deals Damage to nearby enemies
Gear,2ManoeuvrabilityJump Pack recharges 20% fasterTenacityAfter killing 10 enemies in rapid succession, Diving Kick's Damage increases by 40% for 15 seconds
Gear,2Zealous BlowA Ground Pound kill restores Jump Pack's Charge by 10%Tip of the SpearEnemies hit by Diving Kick take 15% more Ranged Damage for 10 seconds
Gear,3Pride in DutyAfter a Finisher, Ground Pound deals 25% more Damage for 10 secondsThrill of the FightAfter a perfectly timed Parry, Block, or Dodge, you take 20% less Health Damage for 5 seconds
Gear,3DiligenceA fully prepared Ground Pound deals 20% more Damage, but preparation time increases by 25%Grim DeterminationWhen Grapnel Launcher is in cooldown, Weapon Damage increases by 15%
Gear,3Aerial GraceAfter a perfectly timed Dodge using a Jump Pack Dash, you deal 30% more Damage for 10 secondsCombat ReadinessGrapnel Launcher recharges 20% faster
SignatureAmple AmmunitionAny use of Jump Pack reloads the equipped Ranged Weapon and increases its Damage by 50% for 10 secondsTactical ProwessGrapnel Launcher can activate a Finisher not only on Incapacitated enemies but also on those who have less than 33% Health (except Terminus level), and performing a Finisher with the Grapnel Launcher restores its Charge
SignatureAscensionJump Pack Leap deals Damage to all enemies in the takeoff areaEmperor's BlessingTaking Lethal Damage restores all Armor instead of Incapacitating you. Cooldown is 120 seconds.
SignatureCommitmentA perfectly timed Dodge using a Jump Pack Dash restores Jump Pack's Ability ChargeAdrenaline RushMelee kills of Majoris-level or higher enemies restore Health by 5%

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