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Biovores are s**t

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4 hours ago
Mar 13, 2025, 7:52:53 AM

Biovores are shit. They are second of the three worst, most unfun enemies in the game, the first being Enlightened Tzaangors and the third being spore mines. They are ridiculously durable; they are ridiculously fast; they spawn the third worst enemy in the game and, least but not last, they can climb to places where they cannot be reached for melee and sometimes can be difficult to shoot at. Whomever at Saber thought that biovores are a fairly and fun designed enemy and not just an unnecessary, annoying challenge, was wrong.

And yes, I know the base of their gun is not armoured. Yes, I know that shooting them on the head will make them leave their "fortified mode". I've even learned their melee attack pattern. Doesn't matter. Biovores are crap to fight against, to the point where, at least on Lethal and Absolute, when I see them near an elevator, I will always urge my team to leave them behind, because they are not worth the time and effort to take them down.

If it was up to me, I would remove them from the game entirely. That doesn't really happen in video games though, so instead I'd nerf them to the ground by decreasing their hp pool by 30 to 50 percent and taking away their ability to reach places where they cannot be attacked in melee. That way I wouldn't groan and complain whenever I see one spawning.

Updated 4 hours ago.
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an hour ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:21:24 AM

Just have to learn how to fight them, they'll go down about as easy as any other extremis. Aim for the cannon on their back when they hunker down and learn their attack timing. I took one out with just the neo volkite by shooting straight down its barrel and popping the spore mines right on it.

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