The current way Assault ground-slam functions, makes it count as a melee attack, doing direct health damage. 

This encourages spammy gameplay which not only does not look good, but the current state of the netcode makes it get hits it should not and kill instantly along with irrational logic for the damage it targets.

It would make far more sense for the "shockwave" it has to be armor-damaging not only for the sake of balance and for what actually happens, because it's an explosive shock force and grenades don't damage health directly so neither should it.

It can be (and frequently is) abused to kill people through walls and cover by just landing with the splash-range of the slam in range of the target. 

This not only looks bad and feels bad to be hit by as well, but is just plain bad design.

I get so many kills with the ground-slam that I know I by no means should have gotten, and it makes me feel like the game is just in a constant state of unpolished.

But along with this, would be only fitting to buff the melee damage, because the whole lore aspect in Warhammer 40.000 for melee, is that it is a guaranteed lethal way to kill because the cycle of war has gone around so much that it came back again to melee combat to defeat the armor. Ranged classes should be "screwed" if a melee class gets in range, but not because someone just slammed down and keeps slamming down again and again and again.