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Is it possible to add a few more weapons on a few more classes for 7.0?

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:55:23 AM

Hopefully this is the right section. But let me get this out of the way first. Absolute fire of a patch so far. Hopefully this kind of stuff continues. But, that said, to the point of the thread for some (constructive) feedback/requests I hope people can get behind and voice. As this is one of the features that is talked about as a touted feature. I think this topic is relevant for feedback and is not just an idea. Weapons like the ABR are only available on the Tac at the moment as an example. And the feedback below should hopefully allow some other ones that are either too restricted, or would allow more weapon playstyles by adding X weapon.

Rather simple. Please post any ideas for other weapons that could be brought over to other classes to let Sabre see some other options that could be added. That said, I would still see some stipulations though with some restrictions being kept. Such as Sniper weapons remain on the Sniper like the Bolt Sniper Rifle. And Heavy weapons remain on the Heavy. Here is what I would like to see added. I will post it as the devs did but to clarify this is assuming the 7.0 patch is "live" and the weapons they listed are now part of that classes arsenal. Here is my list:

Heavy: A tac knife, but only if the Heavy Bolt Rifle is taken.*

Tactical: Power Sword*

Assault: Inferno Pistol*

Bulwark: No additions (At least until more two handed weapons or variations of weapons are added,  like a Heavy Power Sword for a trade-off of perhaps losing the shield via a perk choice that'd give you different buffs for making that perk choice?)

Sniper: Chainsword

Vanguard: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power Sword and the Bolt Rifle (but the grenade launcher variant is locked only to the Tactical and cannot be used by the Vanguard)

This is my current list of things I'd like to see added to each class. I will jump back here to add or remove things once I muddle things over more. More or less, there are still some weapons, like the ABR, that are still locked to one or two classes. Adding these to one or two more I wouldn't think would tip the scales or break balance too much. But let's see what other people come up with. Keep it to current available weapons and not a weapon you wish to see later.

Post mulling edit:

I also am going to add an asterixis and bold the big ones people are clamouring for from other threads and discussions I have seen. I also made a post later in the thread regarding the remaining still exclusives weapons and who they could possibly be granted to here:


Updated 9 hours ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 2:43:04 PM

Latching onto this, I would like to see Inferno Pistol added to assault, I made a post about it Here.

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 2:44:01 PM

TheStockPurist wrote:

Latching onto this, I would like to see Inferno Pistol added to assault, I made a post about it Here.

Ah I see, then I will add it to the list. be sure to add your own list so Sabre can see the general consensus of what people would like to see (within reason).

Edit: The Inferno pistol has been added as a request for Assault loadouts.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:14:40 PM

I would like to add combat knife on Heavy to the list, locked to the heavy bolt rifle loadout to incentivise taking it. 

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:15:39 PM

Firedrake wrote:

I would like to add combat knife to Heavy, locked to the heavy bolt rifle loadout to incentivise taking it. 

I would agree with that. But as you said, only if the HBR is being used can they have the tac knife.

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:25:11 PM

Barricade133 wrote:

Firedrake wrote:

I would like to add combat knife to Heavy, locked to the heavy bolt rifle loadout to incentivise taking it. 

I would agree with that. But as you said, only if the HBR is being used can they have the tac knife.

That would still count as a new option though. Throw it on there! 😁

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:26:28 PM

Firedrake wrote:

Barricade133 wrote:

Firedrake wrote:

I would like to add combat knife to Heavy, locked to the heavy bolt rifle loadout to incentivise taking it. 

I would agree with that. But as you said, only if the HBR is being used can they have the tac knife.

That would still count as a new option though. Throw it on there! 😁


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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:37:28 PM

No Inferno Pistol on assault is criminal.
I hope they can playtest it internally and maybe add it by the time the patch is live, because good lord it would be sad to not have it on assault.

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:39:16 PM

Voghelm wrote:

No Inferno Pistol on assault is criminal.
I hope they can playtest it internally and maybe add it by the time the patch is live, because good lord it would be sad to not have it on assault.

It is why I am making this thread. Enough people (constructively) give feedback and they can see the community wants X weapon on X class if it is within reason.

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:49:44 PM

Heavy: A tac knife but only if the Heavy Bolt Rifle is taken

Tactical: Power Sword

Assault: Inferno Pistol, Bolt Carbine or Auto Bolt Rifle but only with Chainsword and Power Sword.

Bulwark: No additions

Sniper: Chainsword

Vanguard: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power Sword and the Bolt Rifle (but the grenade launcher variant is locked only to the Tactical and cannot be used by the Vanguard).

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 8:41:58 PM

BoominRandy wrote:

I agree chainsword to sniper plz

I wouldn't be against them not getting it. But am slightly in favour only due to it being a standard issue weapon. Maybe with a prestige perk it could happen?

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 9:43:55 PM

hipsterhead_91 wrote:

Heavy: A tac knife but only if the Heavy Bolt Rifle is taken

Tactical: Power Sword

Assault: Inferno Pistol, + Bolt Carbine or Auto Bolt Rifle but only with Chainsword and Power Sword.

Bulwark: No additions

Sniper: Chainsword

Vanguard: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power Sword and the Bolt Rifle (but the grenade launcher variant is locked only to the Tactical and cannot be used by the Vanguard).

Can agree with the Assault being given a singular ranged addition of the ABR. As they use it in the tabletop and in lore. Though I ask why not on the Tac and the Vanguard? Vanguard I can see it not being added, but with Tac now having access to the knife and chainsword (prior to the update and in reference to the chainsword) it outclassed the Powersword. But having it as another option for it to have a different melee weapon while also remaining codex compliant wouldn't hurt.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 9:54:26 PM

100% agree with inferno pistol for assault. Besides the multitude of lore reasons, it would give them a nice and consistent way to clear minoris hordes which I think is their biggest weakness presently on absolute. I don't think I agree with giving them stuff like the ABR, mostly because that breaks the point of the class divisions Saber seems to have going and also it'd be a pain to balance that with the ground pound.

As for others, only other one that would be nice to have is power sword for tactical mostly for aesthetic reasons. I honestly think now that the plasma pistol has been distributed as it it has, power sword is with assault, and HBP is with vanguard and sniper (fitting with their models) I think it's basically good. Again just please give inferno pistol to assault. Please Saber we're beggin here

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 9:58:48 PM

FiroP wrote:

100% agree with inferno pistol for assault. Besides the multitude of lore reasons, it would give them a nice and consistent way to clear minoris hordes which I think is their biggest weakness presently on absolute. I don't think I agree with giving them stuff like the ABR, mostly because that breaks the point of the class divisions Saber seems to have going and also it'd be a pain to balance that with the ground pound.

As for others, only other one that would be nice to have is power sword for tactical mostly for aesthetic reasons. I honestly think now that the plasma pistol has been distributed as it it has, power sword is with assault, and HBP is with vanguard and sniper (fitting with their models) I think it's basically good. Again just please give inferno pistol to assault. Please Saber we're beggin here

It was why I hadn't added it even though I think if they gave it as a prestige perk choice then it could be interesting if they one handed it like most Assaults do. But keep the feedback coming here, it seems overwhelming that people want to Inferno Pistol on Assault. Powersword though I think should be on 1-2 more classes, being Tac and Vang as I said. Though I do think it is unlikely for Vanguard to get it, Tac I do think for sure should get it.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 10:06:31 PM

I think Bulwark should get access to the Thunder Hammer.
Make it so that when they use it they don't use their shield (tweak the class perks about shield to give some sort of bonus when using a hammer).
In a perfect world it would be great if the game had Relic Sword (aka big 2 handed power sword), accessible to both assault and Bulwark as cross between thunder hammer and power sword, that way I'll finally be able to play the Inner Circle Dark Angel I've always wanted to be.

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 10:11:17 PM

HN971 wrote:

I think Bulwark should get access to the Thunder Hammer.
Make it so that when they use it they don't use their shield (tweak the class perks about shield to give some sort of bonus when using a hammer).
In a perfect world it would be great if the game had Relic Sword (aka big 2 handed power sword), accessible to both assault and Bulwark as cross between thunder hammer and power sword, that way I'll finally be able to play the Inner Circle Dark Angel I've always wanted to be.

See if they had made that a prestige perk choice. That could be a really interesting choice to make an actually and allow subclasses to be a thing without reworking a brand new system. Functional they could stay the same as they would still use the banner, but maybe they would be allowed to use a two hander but also get a built in ranged damage mitigator to give further incentive to your choice.

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:12:49 PM
It would be fun to see the inferno pistol on Bulwark, but it wouldn't give him much in terms of range + he's already as close range as can be

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2 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:18:07 PM

VaderH11 wrote:
It would be fun to see the inferno pistol on Bulwark, but it wouldn't give him much in terms of range + he's already as close range as can be

Haven't seen that one requested too often. Most people seem to agree Assault should get the Inferno. But, if I see it pop up more often will definitely add it. Though I will say the current offering of Bolt, Heavy and Plasma Pistols do offer a good variety.

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