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Is it possible to add a few more weapons on a few more classes for 7.0?

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5 minutes ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:55:23 AM

Hopefully this is the right section. But let me get this out of the way first. Absolute fire of a patch so far. Hopefully this kind of stuff continues. But, that said, to the point of the thread for some (constructive) feedback/requests I hope people can get behind and voice.

Rather simple. Please post any ideas for other weapons that could be brought over to other classes to let Sabre see some other options that could be added. That said, I would still see some stipulations though with some restrictions being kept. Such as Sniper weapons remain on the Sniper like the Bolt Sniper Rifle. And Heavy weapons remain on the Heavy. Here is what I would like to see added. I will post it as the devs did but to clarify this is assuming the 7.0 patch is "live" and the weapons they listed are now part of that classes arsenal. Here is my list:

​Heavy: No additions

Tactical: Power Sword

Assault: No additions

Bulwark: No additions (At least until more two handed weapons or variations of weapons are added,  like a Heavy Power Sword for a trade-off of perhaps losing the shield via a perk choice?)

Sniper: Chainsword

Vanguard: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power Sword and the Bolt Rifle (but the grenade launcher variant is locked only to the Tactical and cannot be used by the Vanguard)

This is my current list of things I'd like to see added to each class. I will jump back here to add or remove things once I muddle things over more. More or less, there are still some weapons, like the ABR, that are still locked to one or two classes. Adding these to one or two more I wouldn't think would tip the scales or break balance too much. But let's see what other people come up with. Keep it to current available weapons and not wish lists please.

Updated 5 minutes ago.
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