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Adamant Hunter/Precision and Magazine Restoration perks

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2 days ago
Mar 22, 2025, 11:16:48 PM

For these perks that provide their bonuses at 30% Hp, could they be increased to below 40% hp or similar, so that they work better in conjunction with the Rapid Health Perks?

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2 days ago
Mar 23, 2025, 9:32:33 AM

Not Only that but when you take a mortal wound you start at 35% So even after you get downed you STILL DONT get the benefits of these perks, Ive ofter said to myself dam I wish I just started at 30% instead of 35% on death but no your right better way of doing things would be to increase it to 40%, rather then them lower the revive % to 30. Good point.

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