​For context, I am discussing the campaign's difficulty as a solo player. I usually play my games on hard because I like the extra challenge and don't want it to be a cakewalk. Naturally, I started playing the campaign on veteran difficulty, which would fit my preference.

I'm aware of the game mechanics like parry/perfect parry/dodge etc, but every time I made contact with a swarm my armor and health would drop almost instantly even from minor enemies. The rate at which they tear through armor is absurd, it feels like I don't wear armor at all. Not to mention the ranged enemies have pinpoint accuracy shooting you from across the map.

After getting frustrated by failing the "defend the chains" mission objective several times where my AI allies literally didn't do anything to help I decided to drop the difficulty to normal to see the difference.

I was shocked at how the game felt completely different (much more enjoyable) and completed it on the first try. On this difficulty it feels right, my bullets have impact taking just a few hits to kill and I could tear through swarms much better with my melee weapon.

I suspect all veteran difficulty does is give the enemies 100% more HP and damage, because they felt very much like bullet sponges, made my weapons feel underpowered and my armor worthless.

I think the tuning between normal and veteran is way out of line and just massively buffing enemy stats doesn't feel good as a player. I didn't feel like my weapons and armor had any impact, I didn't feel like a space marine.

I hope the devs will read this feedback and do some numbers tuning, or find different ways to make the game more challenging without just buffing health and damage.