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Support class?

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5 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 2:11:19 AM


I was just thinking of the idea of a support.

Would you want a support class in the game? I know I sure do.

A class that would bring useful utility to a team and if played correctly would make a run smoother.

Would be cool if the class had perks which made it able to have different builds.
Maybe some perks increases the movement speed of you and your team + skill cooldown for a speed run build?
Or maybe you want to use damage reduction and damage boost perks for yourself and your team for a more balanced overall build?
Maybe have a passive that once every 3 minutes removes a mortal wound from random team mate?

Maybe straight up make it a healer? Using the skill gives damage reduction to yourself and your team for a certain amount of time, or maybe choose another perk that gives your skill a heal over tiem effect that restores HP of your team for a few seconds?
When you use a Stimpack you also heal your team for 30% of their hp?
The ideas and suggestions can go on forever..

Anyway, I have always played support in all games I been into and I miss being able to play a supportive role in Space Marine 2 that simply just makes the operation runs smoother or that can turn the tide of battle in PvP if played correctly.

I was thinking of a Space Marines Apothecary.

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5 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 2:46:38 AM

Apothecary class has already been added to Must Haves

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 2:13:51 PM

Tactical - Increases damage and Contested HP.

Bulwark - Slows Contested HP, Can heal and revive.
Heavy - Reduced CDs on abilities.

Apothecary been confirmed to be coming at some point but what is he going to offer we don't already have? Geneseeds off double the XP they do at the moment? He can't drop Geneseeds? What does he come with a Chainsword and Bolt Pistol? Unless they break lore which they already said they don't want to its waste of development imo.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 2:52:20 PM

Assault feels like disruption support to me as well.  I'm in there sending gaunts flying, creating space, interrupting Warriors, knocking Sentries out of their reinforcement, and overall trying to make life easier for my team.  I don't do the damage of a good Sniper or Melta, and maybe Melta is just better at everything I do, but that's also going to change and not everyone uses a Melta anyway.  

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4 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 4:04:37 AM

Bumwhistler wrote:

Tactical - Increases damage and Contested HP.

Bulwark - Slows Contested HP, Can heal and revive.
Heavy - Reduced CDs on abilities.

Apothecary been confirmed to be coming at some point but what is he going to offer we don't already have? Geneseeds off double the XP they do at the moment? He can't drop Geneseeds? What does he come with a Chainsword and Bolt Pistol? Unless they break lore which they already said they don't want to its waste of development imo.

Yes those classes have supportive capablities..
I'm talking about a straight up support / healer which I have noticed on the Forum many others would like as well.
If we forget about lore for a moment and think about the game and the gameplay.. it definetly can fit a support class for pve / pvp.

I made a healer build in Remnant 2.

I play healer in Warframe.

I play healer in WoW.

I play healer in Guild wars 2.

I play healer in Borderlands 3.

I play healer and support in The Division 2.
I heal in Lost Ark.
I play support in Diablo 3...
I was an Auramancer in Path of Exile
Well warlock in Destiny 2 etc, etc, etc, etc list goes on.

lets put it this way, if the game allows a healer.. I play it.

There is always room for a healer in a team.

and what it brings.. like I said, the possibilities are endless. Just a small thing as sharing a % of the heal done using a stimpack to your team would make a difference. Letting the support grab all stimpacks and keep an eye on peoples health and use them wisely.. imagine that in a group fight in PvP.

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4 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:54:03 AM

OK so we get a healer are you then gimping yourself heavily for DPS losing a 3rd to bring him? Whats his kit a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword? I'll take a Bulwark all day over that.

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2 days ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:32:23 AM

Bumwhistler wrote:

OK so we get a healer are you then gimping yourself heavily for DPS losing a 3rd to bring him? Whats his kit a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword? I'll take a Bulwark all day over that.

The point of a healer, isn't what weapons it brings, its what utility it brings, its not his job to dps... Give him a warden stave and a bolt pistol for all I care xD If a healer can keep you alive it doesn't matter if you don't have a third dps.. if you won't die you will kill whatever is in your way. The whole job of a healer is to make sure you stay alive until whatever you fight is dead. And in most games, losing a dps for a healer / support doesn't matter at all since the damage increase buffs they usually bring negates the dps loss.

We have no other way in this game to regenerate HP except using Stimpacks. Not even Executes give a slight HP gain.... This game could use some other way or class that could provide some kind of HP regeneration for the team now and then. How?... well that's up to the developers to figure out, not mine. .. I'm just throwing the suggestion out there since there are peole who loves playing support / healers in games as well.

compare healers from other games and their abilities, what would work in this game wihtout making the class to OP?
Would he have different auras he swaps between by pressing the skill button?

Yellow Aura = Team Damage Increase
Green Ura = Team HP Regeneration
Purple Aura = Team Movement Speed
Blue Aura = Team Damage reduction

That would have been a cool and fun class to play and each aura would definetly be situational.

I don't know.. but as I said before... "The ideas and suggestions can go on forever".

Updated 2 days ago.
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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 3:43:20 PM

any class that grants healing becomes a must have. I think an apothecary would really ruin the current philosophy of every class being a dps (except assault). Not every game needs a healer and one such as this certainly wasn't made with one in mind

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 7:52:36 PM

fuji996 wrote:

any class that grants healing becomes a must have. I think an apothecary would really ruin the current philosophy of every class being a dps (except assault). Not every game needs a healer and one such as this certainly wasn't made with one in mind

Apothecary have already been confirmed that it will be released as a class, what it will do we don't know yet tho unfortunately.

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13 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:33:34 AM

Psychedelic wrote:

fuji996 wrote:

any class that grants healing becomes a must have. I think an apothecary would really ruin the current philosophy of every class being a dps (except assault). Not every game needs a healer and one such as this certainly wasn't made with one in mind

Apothecary have already been confirmed that it will be released as a class, what it will do we don't know yet tho unfortunately.

That's great news, I always loved to play medic and was a bit dissapointed when discovered there is no apothecary in Space Marine 2.:( I understand that very limited healing resources are part of games difficulty, especially on higher level Operations but with arrival of Lethal we could really use some healing. Or some buff to shorter respawn time. Or providing one more time you can be picked up from being downed. Or giving some very slow HP aura regen. Like 1-2%/minute? There is a lot of room for this class to be usefull and fun to play with and as. 

I really can't wait for it.

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