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How to fix Assault Class

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 8:12:40 PM

He needs to be more mobile to be actualy called a "mobility" focused class, and perfect dodge should be more on par with perfect parry, if not better.


- Perfect dodge should grant a second of invulnerability afterwards so you can gun-strike without getting obliterated. (Otherwise perfect parry just trumps it)

- Dodge should be consistent. (Sometimes you dodge-roll, but sometimes you dash, is this a bug?)

- You should move a bit faster than other classes, and your dodges should move you further away.

- Backpack Dash should move you further, damage enemies by default (maybe performing a whirlwind attack with your current weapon), and either have different charges or use half a charge.

- Perfect dodging forward with a backpack dash, should do critical damage, and knockdown or stun to the attacking enemy.

About the perk ideas......

- For 2 seconds after performing a backpack dash, you can perform a second one, with no cost. The second backpack dash cannot activate any perk effects (like gain a charge).

- 1.5 seconds after a backpack ground pound, the ground errupts damaging and interrupting enemies. (This should give you some time to charge a more powerful hammer slam).

- perfect dodging gives you half an armor bar (to compete with gunstrike gives you an armor bar).

- you gain +1% damage resistanse for every 1% of missing health (to compete with gunstrike gives you an armor bar).

- you gain +0.5% melee damage for every 1% of missing health (to supplement the perk above, for a berserker  type build).

- After you perfect dodge with a backpack dash, you gain increased movement speed for 5 seconds, and your next melee strike lands twice as fast, does critical damage and knocks    enemies back.

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 8:35:35 PM

I kind of thing the only thing Assault could really use is:

* Shorter jump pack cooldown.

* Jump pack dash only uses part of the bar (like 1/4th or something).

* Maybe 1 additional charge.

Once you get the level 23(?) perk that refreshes 10% of the jump pack per 1 kill,  in a swarm you can pretty easily jump pack and ground pound 3 times in fairly quick succession, which is the only time I actually feel like a mobile jumpy Assault.  If they make the changes I mentioned, they'd likely have to change this perk, but it seems like we could use better perks anyway.

At its core though, I just want to jump pack more.  Everything else is workable right now, imo.

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:34:20 PM

My input. 

i think your jump pack dodge should just be your dodge.

 example- your first input for a dodge in any instance will booster dodge and if you choose to do a follow up dodge you will just roll.

(this in my opinion shouldnt consume a stack of you jump ability its just something you get as assault.)

i also agree with the perk of missing health gives you melee dmg, however i think it should just be a flat buff and it should activate when you have no armor bars.

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:40:47 PM

While there are a few things on assault that need fix (melee weapon doesn't do enough damage is one).  

The main thing that i find to be just really a bit silly:  I have a thunderhammer that weighs 2 tons, and some little gremlin with a shield, can block it all day long and take no damage.  sorry but assault melee damage just shouldnt be absorbed like that, defeats the purpose and effectiveness in the class in melee which is basically where you are much of the time.

jump pack use on dodge is pointless noone is using jump pack dodge for anything, absolute waste of a use of jump pack, also just dodging would take less energy why make it take a full use? just allow it, give it a CD 

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:49:13 PM

Wolfgang096 wrote:

My input. 

i think your jump pack dodge should just be your dodge.

 example- your first input for a dodge in any instance will booster dodge and if you choose to do a follow up dodge you will just roll.

(this in my opinion shouldnt consume a stack of you jump ability its just something you get as assault.)

i also agree with the perk of missing health gives you melee dmg, however i think it should just be a flat buff and it should activate when you have no armor bars.

This would be cool, and maybe not even broken.  You're still vulnerable when you stop and attack, so it would give you a lot of extra power to zip around and hit priority targets.  

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12 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:39:34 AM

I forgot one very important thing:

- Dodge should cancel attack animations just like parry/block. That would also buff the slow wielding hammer.

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11 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 12:05:46 PM

xchrys wrote:

I forgot one very important thing:

- Dodge should cancel attack animations just like parry/block. That would also buff the slow wielding hammer.

That is indeed very important. Also in PvP. I cannot understand why locked animation is a thing is this game, is so punishing.

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10 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 1:00:00 PM

Great suggestions so far.

There are 3 things that annoy me after playing the hightest difficulties with the Assault class: 

1. The jetpack feels like a gimmick not worth giving up a primary for. It's severely underutilized mechanically and the usefulness is limited. It doesn't boost your sprint, forward lunge attacks, doesn't combo with other attacks either. At the very least the jetpack dodge should replace default dodge free of charge and sprinting should utilize the jetpack for boosted speed. The microPP jump height limit in operations also needs to go, too.

2. Perfect parry + gunstrike is mechanically superior to perfect evade + gunstrike. This is okay but since so many Assault perks and even the core ability are centered around perfect evade this encourages and boosts an objectively inferior mechanic that will only be used whan parry isn't an option. AND it's also harder to pull off than perfect parry. It doesn't feel rewarding enough, honestly.

3. For a class that is more or less useless outside of melee you have zero damage mitigation and sustain. This is an issue on higher difficulties since the ranged enemies are hyperaccurate and your only hope is that the map has terrain that blocks line of sight. You're basically a worse Bulwark who's forced to spec into gun strikes to replenish armor.

I also find it hilarious that the guy with a jetpack can't focus target and hover-melee-fight flying units like Zoanthropes/Neurothropes.

Updated 10 hours ago.
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9 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 1:27:44 PM

if they made it just like the pvp or campaign it would be fine.... why worry about nerfing players in a pve experience? It's about having fun :( Hopefully we see changes soon.

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9 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 1:29:33 PM

Love the idea of jump pack animations just being dodge. Even if it only still acts like a normal dodge, would add variety. And the one guy does it during campaign sailing through the air juking left and right. Now that you brought it up, I'm not going be able to not ask why the guy with the jetpack rolls like the rest of us.

Also agree on dodge cancelling. If it's just never going to happen, then Chainsword's your only option. Hammer is just too slow. If I die in an operation, that's why. Start hammer swing > see orange circle > die inside > die on screen > make application die > go have a beer.

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