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PVP needs some TLC,

I WILL still regularly be playing pvp in a year from now even if no major changes come to pvp.
I WILL NOT still regularly be playing pvp in a year from now if no major changes come to pvp.
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17 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 5:55:19 AM

Kind of interested in what others think the longevity of the pvp experience would be if it was left mostly as it is now in term of game mechanics (lets not get into matchmaking and lobby convos lol). Vote in the pole after you read my rant/review of PVP. (Also I know the devs plan on making changes I'm just interested in what people think of the foundations)


the foundation is pretty decent but man I feel like a lot needs to be done. I've played quite a few hours now and feel i have a pretty decent grasp on the games mechanics for all the classes. The first thing I would say is the time to kill feels off for space marine v space marine. I get the vibe the pvp is going for in this regard but it absolutely takes me out of feeling like a space marine. I would mainly pin this issue on shooting being wildly over tuned for a warhammer "Space marine" experience. melee as a whole is ludicrously under potent. I get it you made a third person shooter, but in warhammer we swing swords as well. and you cant make a head shot from a bolter kill in 2 seconds if its going to take 8 seconds to actually manage to kill a guy with melee. I suffered through playing hours of assault, meeting only spammed parries and rolling marine after rolling marine. Don't get me wrong the hammers good at getting some kills but the back flips you need to perform as a player to not die while making use of the only real weapon you have to initiate a fight make the class undeniably much harder to use then the other classes. you need timing and you need positioning in such a way you have to either spend half the game walking simulating yourself to flank, spend half the game standing waiting for teammates to help you push into the opposition, or feed... like the class a lot in concept but it is playing PvP on masochism mode. 

I rant about assault as I felt its the only class that totally relies on melee. and you feel that weight. I also feel like one shot hammers are also not the way which means realistically the time to kill or general toughness of armor needs to be increase in comparison to specifically almost every gun in the game.... 

If you do this there is currently a real problem with how the parry mechanic works. tbh the parry mechanic in pvp genuinely scares me as its a real slip up... the spammable nature of how it currently works should absolutely not have made it to any live pvp service that wants taken seriously. Its actually kind of embarrassing and its pretty disheartening that something sooo flawed and so core to melee could be so terrible in a game again that is about space marines. 

A solution I could see to this is to give us more mobility as a whole. the doge roll and especially melee lunge animations in the game are relatively short. I am a hulking space marine but I see no reason why that hulking body cant have a little more speed and power too it. The Q&A seemed to show signs of an unwillingness to change animations or create new ones, this makes me very sad as I really do think most players would agree the current roll and lunges feel clunky and immobile, non of which scream (once again for the people in the back) Space marine to me. 

I want to love the game and am really enjoying my time with it, but I feel the pvp does fall short of most other pvp experiences offered by other shooter in terms of overall polish of game mechanics even if the mechanics on offer do feel very fresh and nostalgic at the same time. The latter will fade regardless of anything, the mechanics will only change if the devs push for it. Here's to hoping that the devs stick to the plan of revamping the mode and don't treat pvp as a just tourist stop for players between operations. only time will tell. 

Updated 17 hours ago.
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11 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 12:14:11 PM

Man, I agree whit all the stated above. Rolling spam is becoming a problem, locked animations, low damage on normal melee swings... the fist doesn't feel like the weapon it should be.

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