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A little "Thank You" to the dev team.

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10 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 1:09:25 PM

From what I can see there is a lot of threads on the intenrnet that offers nothing good but "dead game" and "bad developer" type of messages for every imaginable reason. What i think is that it's time to say "Thank you for your work" to the devs. SM 2 is a great game, with great aesthetics, amazing visuals and outstanding scenes in main story and missons. Despite it having some flaws the developers are taking care to listen to their cominity and make changes according to them. But what is important to understand that there is a line where things shold be tweaked and/or added and where lies something that cannot be fitted. Balance or visuals, everything we already have is made by the developers team with care and some stuff on the forums is straight up just "this game is not like game X i don't want it". I myself bought SM 2 hoping for a good game but instead i got something that i will definetly play for months ahead. 
Let's give developers some love and trust since they have already proven to us that they are talented people with dedication and most importantly love to the franchise. 

If any of the developers is actually reading this: 

Thank you so much. You just gave me and buch of my friends not just a "good game" but a great expirience that we will remember for a long time. We will play and embrace our time in SM 2 despite anything. Everything that i can remember about anything that a saw in the game is a warming memory that i can (and a will) use to recomend this game to any of my friedns. Thank you again for your hard work and effort. 

Praise the Emperor, brothers and sisters. 

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6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 5:25:42 PM

Campaign is great, but it is a shame they are disregarding the community and problem the game have right now. Starting to nerf weapons and refusing to see the problem that exist with certain mechanics when themselves clearly never played the game is unfortunate

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5 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 5:58:44 PM
They are absolutely not disregarding the community, they are addressing large swathes of what the community is talking about.  Some stuff the community has brought up, they disagree with.  It shouldn't be a personal affront for a developer to disagree with you, and yet so many take offense.

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5 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 6:27:31 PM

There not nerf'n the Melta there fixing its overheal bug. Its not intended. They haven't said anything about nerfing anything, instead they are going to adjust enemy HP which should buff all weapons. They are crunching numbers and not just reacting to plee for changes. Kneejerk changes can be detrimental to a game. We're in week 2 post launch and theres a major patch to come some time this month just CTFO.

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4 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 7:01:24 PM

I agree, the developers made a great game that I have really enjoyed.  The perpetual complainers often drown out those that silently enjoy the game or offer constructive criticism.  No game is perfect or will appeal to 100% of gamers.  There is room for improvement but the game in its current state was money well spent.  

Updated 4 hours ago.
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