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Thanks to the team and constructive contribution

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9 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 2:38:35 PM

First of all, thank you very much for the work done and the opportunities that may arise from this great work.

As a fan of 40k since approximately 92, I am very happy to be able to enjoy this PC game in the same way as the board game, its novels and other accessories from this sci-fi world.

And it is at this point where I want to leave a couple of constructive suggestions that I think would bring immersion and satisfaction to Space Marine 2 players. 

The first would be regarding the PVE, as I see that it is already mentioned, my comment is about bolter weapons, according to the lore, very briefly, a bolter weapon is more similar to a grenade launcher than to an assault rifle, a rate of low shot and explosive projectiles, very lethal against poorly armored enemies, except for some specific armor-piercing ammunition.

As a player, my conclusion when playing the game, taking the lore as a reference, in the PVE part the bolter rifle is lacking in impact power, and in the PVP my impression is completely opposite, the bolter rifle in general has speeds of extremely high shots and excessively lethal force against armored enemies.

Another point that I find interesting to explain is about the characteristics of the armor and the lore that affects the gameplay. The first point would be about the stun grenades, as explained in the lore, the space marines do not look directly through a glass lens, the lenses hide cameras and other optical sensors that adjust to the environment, they protect the space marine against flashes of nuclear category. The conclusion of this point is that space marines are not only not affected by stun grenades (others like imperial guards around them, or enemies, yes) but they are also not affected by things like fog or dark areas, because their equipment allows them to adapt to them (infrared, night vision or others) All this based on the information that can be extracted from the lore. 

These aspects, among others, are what lead to the conclusion of why the space marines equip such exotic combat weapons.

These traits are what a lore fan would expect to find when playing as a space marine, looking for those things that are not found elsewhere. 

Speaking with friends who play other shooters, they relate the pvp of space marine 2 with other titles, but I think that whoever wants to play call of duty or counter strike is already going to play those titles, and space marine has such a lore genuine that perhaps they should try to capture their own essence, instead of copying that of others*.

*Although I would recommend not overlooking titles like Space Marine and Eternal Crusade.I hope this message serves to encourage the team to work on the project and take it in the right direction.

The Emperor protects.

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