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Bots still suck.

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4 months ago
Oct 29, 2024, 5:38:21 PM

IF you play solo with bots, they still suck. Basically don't deal even decent damage against normal enemies and you effectively have to do all the work, which can be hard if you are playing on substantial and up. They also don't deal any real damage to Terminus enemies. Yeah, they deal chip damage now, but that is nothing when you are already out of ammo and a Terminus decides to ambush you. When that happens, unless you find ammo, you are probably gonna lose the match.

You are effectively punished for playing with bots and I don't think that is really right.

The dev's could fix this by having bots use the Host's preferred loadouts and perks, as well as have them deal the same damage normal players can do, which would make Solo more accessible.

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4 months ago
Oct 29, 2024, 10:35:02 PM

Huh? They clean up minors on their own and even do (for my taste) too much damage against extremis. What are you talking about? Bots that carry you through the game?

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4 months ago
Oct 29, 2024, 11:19:48 PM

I agree on some level. After 4.1 they are quite decent against normal mobs, even higher level ones on some level, but against terminus enemies they still underperform, even after the update. But at least now they are usabe, which is welcome change and a step in the good direction 👍🏻

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 2:29:47 AM

I honestly find them far more competent and useful than the vast majority of players I got matched with or even teamed up on Discord with.

At least the bots know to mind their own business and clean up the enemies that I really need them to deal with, like the ones that are shooting at me when I'm fighting another one.

Instead of getting involved in my fights that I need zero help with, making the enemy's action less readable and predictable, and then proceed to steal the execution I need to get armor back.

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 4:35:57 AM

DeathWatcher wrote:

I honestly find them far more competent and useful than the vast majority of players I got matched with or even teamed up on Discord with.

At least the bots know to mind their own business and clean up the enemies that I really need them to deal with, like the ones that are shooting at me when I'm fighting another one.

Instead of getting involved in my fights that I need zero help with, making the enemy's action less readable and predictable, and then proceed to steal the execution I need to get armor back.

image loaded from url

BTW, to the L12 Assault who joined on Ruthless, spent your whole time powering up and slamming the ground with your hammer without actually killing much, died 4 times before the first zone change and ran ahead of us to steal all the stim kits .... yeah, I was the one who booted you.

Updated 4 months ago.
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3 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 12:39:57 PM

DeathWatcher wrote:

I honestly find them far more competent and useful than the vast majority of players I got matched with or even teamed up on Discord with.

At least the bots know to mind their own business and clean up the enemies that I really need them to deal with, like the ones that are shooting at me when I'm fighting another one.

Instead of getting involved in my fights that I need zero help with, making the enemy's action less readable and predictable, and then proceed to steal the execution I need to get armor back.

True. And they don't die like one-day-flies like most players and thus holding aggro from many if not most opponents around.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Oct 31, 2024, 11:13:32 AM

When for example you go to a lift one will teleport to you, that's a good thing, but why not both? Sometimes one will teleport to you then just leave and go fight something as the other AI is too far away.

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