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The Space Marines do not sound or act like Space Marines.

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 12:46:20 AM

Title says it all. I'm sick of how normal the marines in this game sound. All the marines sound like normal people. Not the "inhumanly deep rumble" they are described as sounding like. They are 9 feet tall and 700lbs. They shouldn't sound like normal people.

Also, whoever wrote the dialogue sucks. The space marines just feel "meh" No unbridled hatred, no over-burdening zeal, just normal watered down characters, without any of the indoctrination or fiery faith space marines should have. It really felt like whoever wrote the dialogue / casted the voice actors / did the voice acting never read a single book or played any other game (They say they have... but I do not believe it whatsoever). Space marines are meant to be hate fueled,  zealous murder machines.

Space marines are not humans. They are genetic monstrosities, filled to the brim with psycho-indoctrination and religious prayer. The characters in this game are an awful mockery of what space marines should be.

They sucked all the essence out of space marines to "make them more human" to "present a better story". The 9 foot tall, 700lb, functionally immortal ANGEL OF DEATH, is not "human". Stop watering down our hobby and our lore for the sake of "relatability" space marines SHOULD NOT be relatable.

This game feels like a Disney interpretation of space marines. I enjoy playing because the combat system is fun, but saber and focus did an awful job of capturing the feeling of the warhammer universe. 40k is meant to be an over the top satire on the flaws of modern society, and It seems like games and media adapting 40k have completely forgotten this, eschewing that idea for the sake of "normalcy" and "marketing".

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 3:18:58 AM

Definetly agree . Imagine if the game's story was about the Minotaurs chapter instead of Ultramarines lol. I wonder what kind of "realatable " and "adaptation" they would have came up with. No ,i dont even want to Imagine that

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 9:04:02 AM

Then you should be complaining about everything 40k, because ALL of Games Workshops shows on WH+ do this, that Secret Level episode did it. Every other 40k video game does it. Why are you singling out SM2? lol

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 9:27:15 AM

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

Title says it all. I'm sick of how normal the marines in this game sound. All the marines sound like normal people. Not the "inhumanly deep" "rattling growl" they are described as sounding like. They are 9 feet tall and 700lbs. They shouldn't sound like normal people.

Also, whoever wrote the dialogue sucks. The space marines just feel "meh" No unbridled hatred, no over-burdening zeal, just normal watered down characters, without any of the indoctrination or fiery faith space marines should have. It really felt like whoever wrote the dialogue / casted the voice actors / did the voice acting never read a single book or played any other game (They say they have... but I do not believe it whatsoever)

Space marines are not humans. They are genetic monstrosities, filled to the brim with psycho-indoctrination and religious prayer. The characters in this game are an awful mockery of what space marines should be.

They sucked all the essence out of space marines to "make them more human" to "present a better story". The 9 foot tall, 700lb, functionally immortal ANGEL OF DEATH, is not "human". Stop watering down our hobby and our lore for the sake of "relatability" space marines SHOULD NOT be relatable.

This game feels like a Disney interpretation of space marines. I enjoy playing because the combat system is fun, but saber and focus did an awful job of capturing the feeling of the warhammer universe.

Strange interpretation of what it means to be a space marine, as for me. No offence, but my opinion is - do not treat the Emperor for a fool.

Voice... well, you do remember that the space marine's helmet has vox system, that can modulate the wearer's voice with its speaker for the right psychological effect? The system is controlled with reflexive mental impulses, do not forget this part as well. And now think, please, how would it modulate his voice when, for example, the helmet is off, or would it do so when there's no need to scare somebody. Do you growl with hatred and rage constantly on your family, or friends, or esteemed colleagues at work?

Zeal and hatred that overshadow all else? Well, then we do not have any meaningful tactics at all, just waaaagh-like charges that would fit some Khorne worshipper, but not supersoldier. Soldier is key part here. Tactics requires being cool under pressure and thinking quick at the moment - that is what hypnoincotrination for. So a space marine may have his loyalty hardcoded via hypno-indoctrination, but not the degree it would cloud his mind.

As for the religious part... total religious worship of the Emperor is a norm among the Sororitas, not Astartes. Astartes are very diverse in this fashion, and some of them are old enough to fight alongside Emperor and primarchs themselves, and still remember the Imperial Truth - which forbade his worship and, follow the hands, was stated by the Emperor himself. Should they deny his direct will? Younger generations - these may know nothing of it, so here we have a bunch of opinions and dogmas varying from chapter to chapter.

And they are humans, make no mistake. Would it be otherwise, the Imperium would have had another Iron Men War instead of Horus' Heresy.

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 10:03:56 AM

I honestly think the voice overs are fine. Don't know how many of the books you've read or listened to, but growling inhumanly isn't the norm when speaking among themselves. Well unless you're from one of the more brutal chapters or traitor legions.

As this story is told through Ultramarines, they consider themselves to still have their humanity and remind themselves to not loose it.

If this was a Space Wolf or Flesh tearers story, or worse, A Space Wolf in the company of a Flesh tearer there would be more growling...

I think too many are influenced by memes rather than the books themselves on what a Space Marine is.

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 2:07:08 PM

Aeonid_Thiel wrote:

I honestly think the voice overs are fine. Don't know how many of the books you've read or listened to, but growling inhumanly isn't the norm when speaking among themselves. Well unless you're from one of the more brutal chapters or traitor legions.

As this story is told through Ultramarines, they consider themselves to still have their humanity and remind themselves to not loose it.

If this was a Space Wolf or Flesh tearers story, or worse, A Space Wolf in the company of a Flesh tearer there would be more growling...

I think too many are influenced by memes rather than the books themselves on what a Space Marine is.

Ive read over 60 black library books. Im not saying they are growling. Im saying their voice is always described as being so deep its like a growl. Space marines are ALWAYS described as having an inhumanly deep voice.

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 2:16:54 PM

Kharchev wrote:

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

Title says it all. I'm sick of how normal the marines in this game sound. All the marines sound like normal people. Not the "inhumanly deep" "rattling growl" they are described as sounding like. They are 9 feet tall and 700lbs. They shouldn't sound like normal people.

Also, whoever wrote the dialogue sucks. The space marines just feel "meh" No unbridled hatred, no over-burdening zeal, just normal watered down characters, without any of the indoctrination or fiery faith space marines should have. It really felt like whoever wrote the dialogue / casted the voice actors / did the voice acting never read a single book or played any other game (They say they have... but I do not believe it whatsoever)

Space marines are not humans. They are genetic monstrosities, filled to the brim with psycho-indoctrination and religious prayer. The characters in this game are an awful mockery of what space marines should be.

They sucked all the essence out of space marines to "make them more human" to "present a better story". The 9 foot tall, 700lb, functionally immortal ANGEL OF DEATH, is not "human". Stop watering down our hobby and our lore for the sake of "relatability" space marines SHOULD NOT be relatable.

This game feels like a Disney interpretation of space marines. I enjoy playing because the combat system is fun, but saber and focus did an awful job of capturing the feeling of the warhammer universe.

Strange interpretation of what it means to be a space marine, as for me. No offence, but my opinion is - do not treat the Emperor for a fool.

Voice... well, you do remember that the space marine's helmet has vox system, that can modulate the wearer's voice with its speaker for the right psychological effect? The system is controlled with reflexive mental impulses, do not forget this part as well. And now think, please, how would it modulate his voice when, for example, the helmet is off, or would it do so when there's no need to scare somebody. Do you growl with hatred and rage constantly on your family, or friends, or esteemed colleagues at work?

Zeal and hatred that overshadow all else? Well, then we do not have any meaningful tactics at all, just waaaagh-like charges that would fit some Khorne worshipper, but not supersoldier. Soldier is key part here. Tactics requires being cool under pressure and thinking quick at the moment - that is what hypnoincotrination for. So a space marine may have his loyalty hardcoded via hypno-indoctrination, but not the degree it would cloud his mind.

As for the religious part... total religious worship of the Emperor is a norm among the Sororitas, not Astartes. Astartes are very diverse in this fashion, and some of them are old enough to fight alongside Emperor and primarchs themselves, and still remember the Imperial Truth - which forbade his worship and, follow the hands, was stated by the Emperor himself. Should they deny his direct will? Younger generations - these may know nothing of it, so here we have a bunch of opinions and dogmas varying from chapter to chapter.

And they are humans, make no mistake. Would it be otherwise, the Imperium would have had another Iron Men War instead of Horus' Heresy.

Im not saying they are growling - bad choice of words on my part - im saying their voice is usually described as being so inhumanly deep its "like a growl" 

While they may not worship the emperor directly (I already knew that) they are still typically possessed of a zeal that borders on religious fanaticism. Individual chapter cults are often indistinguishable from religion, and in lore are often considered sanctioned sects of the wider imperial cult by the ecclesiarchy. Religion doesn't necessarily involve worship of a figure as a god.

Also, a space marines psycho-indoctrination isnt just about loyalty, not sure where you got that idea from. They are indoctrinated with tactics, chapter beliefs, history, etc. Everything they need to know for what they need to do - it is also a huge part of why their instincts are so sharp. 

And no, they are not humans. Never, in any of the 60+ black library books i have read, has a space marine been described as being or feeling "human", maybe for some very rare, fleeting moments. A huge plot point of marines is that they typically cannot experience emotions like a normal human, and cannot connect with baseline humans on an emotional level.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 2:18:55 PM

LahLahMan wrote:

Then you should be complaining about everything 40k, because ALL of Games Workshops shows on WH+ do this, that Secret Level episode did it. Every other 40k video game does it. Why are you singling out SM2? lol

The ending of the secret level show was a disgrace. When have you ever seen a space marine completely give up, no matter how injured, when they are being charged by a horde of cultists, like the bladeguard sergeant did?

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 5:53:24 PM

LahLahMan wrote:

Then you should be complaining about everything 40k, because ALL of Games Workshops shows on WH+ do this, that Secret Level episode did it. Every other 40k video game does it. Why are you singling out SM2? lol

haha agreed, this guy is just whining. i couldnt even finish his block of text lmao

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 6:08:42 PM

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

Kharchev wrote:

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

Title says it all. I'm sick of how normal the marines in this game sound. All the marines sound like normal people. Not the "inhumanly deep" "rattling growl" they are described as sounding like. They are 9 feet tall and 700lbs. They shouldn't sound like normal people.

Also, whoever wrote the dialogue sucks. The space marines just feel "meh" No unbridled hatred, no over-burdening zeal, just normal watered down characters, without any of the indoctrination or fiery faith space marines should have. It really felt like whoever wrote the dialogue / casted the voice actors / did the voice acting never read a single book or played any other game (They say they have... but I do not believe it whatsoever)

Space marines are not humans. They are genetic monstrosities, filled to the brim with psycho-indoctrination and religious prayer. The characters in this game are an awful mockery of what space marines should be.

They sucked all the essence out of space marines to "make them more human" to "present a better story". The 9 foot tall, 700lb, functionally immortal ANGEL OF DEATH, is not "human". Stop watering down our hobby and our lore for the sake of "relatability" space marines SHOULD NOT be relatable.

This game feels like a Disney interpretation of space marines. I enjoy playing because the combat system is fun, but saber and focus did an awful job of capturing the feeling of the warhammer universe.

Strange interpretation of what it means to be a space marine, as for me. No offence, but my opinion is - do not treat the Emperor for a fool.

Voice... well, you do remember that the space marine's helmet has vox system, that can modulate the wearer's voice with its speaker for the right psychological effect? The system is controlled with reflexive mental impulses, do not forget this part as well. And now think, please, how would it modulate his voice when, for example, the helmet is off, or would it do so when there's no need to scare somebody. Do you growl with hatred and rage constantly on your family, or friends, or esteemed colleagues at work?

Zeal and hatred that overshadow all else? Well, then we do not have any meaningful tactics at all, just waaaagh-like charges that would fit some Khorne worshipper, but not supersoldier. Soldier is key part here. Tactics requires being cool under pressure and thinking quick at the moment - that is what hypnoincotrination for. So a space marine may have his loyalty hardcoded via hypno-indoctrination, but not the degree it would cloud his mind.

As for the religious part... total religious worship of the Emperor is a norm among the Sororitas, not Astartes. Astartes are very diverse in this fashion, and some of them are old enough to fight alongside Emperor and primarchs themselves, and still remember the Imperial Truth - which forbade his worship and, follow the hands, was stated by the Emperor himself. Should they deny his direct will? Younger generations - these may know nothing of it, so here we have a bunch of opinions and dogmas varying from chapter to chapter.

And they are humans, make no mistake. Would it be otherwise, the Imperium would have had another Iron Men War instead of Horus' Heresy.

Im not saying they are growling - bad choice of words on my part - im saying their voice is usually described as being so inhumanly deep its "like a growl" 

While they may not worship the emperor directly (I already knew that) they are still typically possessed of a zeal that borders on religious fanaticism. Individual chapter cults are often indistinguishable from religion, and in lore are often considered sanctioned sects of the wider imperial cult by the ecclesiarchy. Religion doesn't necessarily involve worship of a figure as a god.

Also, a space marines psycho-indoctrination isnt just about loyalty, not sure where you got that idea from. They are indoctrinated with tactics, chapter beliefs, history, etc. Everything they need to know for what they need to do - it is also a huge part of why their instincts are so sharp. 

And no, they are not humans. Never, in any of the 60+ black library books i have read, has a space marine been described as being or feeling "human", maybe for some very rare, fleeting moments. A huge plot point of marines is that they typically cannot experience emotions like a normal human, and cannot connect with baseline humans on an emotional level.

Inhumanly deep - on this I can agree, it is quite possible from the physiology perspective. Though I would suggest that more powerful vocal cords and more powerful lungs can also give more power to the normal voice instead of provoking drastic tembre changes. In any way, more depth to the voices in game may be good.

Speaking of zeal, often does not mean always. Ultramarines, for example, are nowhere near as zealous as Black Templars, but, on the other hand, more calculating and tactical. On how this aspect of their temper is portrayed in the game personally I have no complaints. And I know that their indoctrination includes very much. But first of all, any indoctrination in a sect-like organization includes always knowing where your loyalty is and never even having a doubt on this point. Look at the episode in Astropath Tower in campaign, it is shown very clearly there how does it look.

And I still think that at their core they are humans. Reason of that inability to connect emotionally with nrmal humans lies in being constantly at war, with all that this implies, being subjected to hypno-inductrination, which also numbs certain emotions, reactions and even physiological base of these, not to mention the mind-wipes, that both prevents space marines from developing a full range of human emotions and leaves virtually no time to express them. But it still does not remove the emotional side of personality completely. How and in what direction it develops - another question, but it is still always there.

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 7:56:20 PM

Brother_Sergeant_Stag wrote:

LahLahMan wrote:

Then you should be complaining about everything 40k, because ALL of Games Workshops shows on WH+ do this, that Secret Level episode did it. Every other 40k video game does it. Why are you singling out SM2? lol

The ending of the secret level show was a disgrace. When have you ever seen a space marine completely give up, no matter how injured, when they are being charged by a horde of cultists, like the bladeguard sergeant did?

You are right on that and  also for the voices and the marines attitude/ behaviour they show in the game .  They just behave too soft , even for Ultramarines . Their voices sounds like normal humans (when lore wise they have very lower and more potent tones , nothing human at all), their banter makes no sense at all  and they are excessively emotional ( yes , marines emotions are completely different than humans , another undeniable thing) in a more human way for a marine  my opinion.  It was also admitted by the devs  that they have been made "more human" in order to be more realatable to the public. So i think it you are undeniably right 

Updated 2 months ago.
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