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Stop it with the Spore Mines

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2 months ago
Jan 3, 2025, 3:31:18 AM

Spore Mines are the most pointless enemies in the game, you either see them coming and remove them in one shot, or they spawn right on top of you with no time to react and just immediately die, or you're in the middle of fending of a swarm with 5 Warriors attempting to stunlock you (no stunlocking has NOT been fixed), and suddenly you have a choice of death by bonesword or death by spore mine because there is no way to avoid both.

I was playing on Average to get some Green data and on one wave, spore mines poured out endlessly and literally fill half my screen from half way across the map. I could not even count how many there was. And this is AVERAGE difficulty. 

Just remove them from the game. They're not interesting to fight and just serves to increase frustration from unavoidable deaths. Or just prevent enemies from being able to spawn right on top of you.

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2 months ago
Jan 5, 2025, 9:59:49 AM

Agreed, losing all armor and massive health or being straight out killed out of nowhere is detrimental to the game's experience.

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2 months ago
Jan 5, 2025, 7:03:37 PM

CzechKnight wrote:

Agreed, losing all armor and massive health or being straight out killed out of nowhere is detrimental to the game's experience.

spore mines are annoying but i dont think they should get removed. its part of the game, its part of the challenge. 

if OP is struggling on average why dont you drop down to minimal

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2 months ago
Jan 5, 2025, 7:15:22 PM

I think they should fix the thing where you shoot them and only individual mines explode rather than the chain reaction that is supposed to help disperse spore mine spam waves.

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2 months ago
Jan 5, 2025, 9:17:00 PM

chaining more spores together on explosion would be great. They’re a pain but all part of the challenge 

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2 months ago
Jan 5, 2025, 11:53:41 PM

I love them and hate them all at the same time if that's possible.  They are easily dispatched, very deadly, and can be surprisingly sneaky.  The best is using them as bombs against their own kind. Nothing like blowing up a pack of waiting gaunts with a cloud of those spores above their heads.

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2 months ago
Jan 6, 2025, 7:41:06 PM

Imperialknight wrote:

Spore Mines are the most pointless enemies in the game, you either see them coming and remove them in one shot, or they spawn right on top of you with no time to react and just immediately die, or you're in the middle of fending of a swarm with 5 Warriors attempting to stunlock you (no stunlocking has NOT been fixed), and suddenly you have a choice of death by bonesword or death by spore mine because there is no way to avoid both.

I was playing on Average to get some Green data and on one wave, spore mines poured out endlessly and literally fill half my screen from half way across the map. I could not even count how many there was. And this is AVERAGE difficulty. 

Just remove them from the game. They're not interesting to fight and just serves to increase frustration from unavoidable deaths. Or just prevent enemies from being able to spawn right on top of you.

It is not an enemy you fight persay but a by-product, so to speak, of the enemy. 

It is also a detail that is a major part of what makes tyranid invasions/swarms deadly in lore (You can see it depicted to an extent in Hammer & Bolter episode "Cadia Stands").

To remove this, removes immersion and simplifies encounters to just mass vs. mass. (Which I understand the appeal, but that is not what this game is simply looking to provide in its encounters; It is about dealing with combination situations and learning how to finesse them.)

It is also indiscriminate to friend and foe alike so it can be used as a tool to your advantage if properly disposed of in opportune moments.

Best strategy can be either to dispose of them immediately before rushing into a situation, or kite them to enemies or into a streamline in which shooting one will dispose of the rest in a chain.

Updated 2 months ago.
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