Spore Mines are the most pointless enemies in the game, you either see them coming and remove them in one shot, or they spawn right on top of you with no time to react and just immediately die, or you're in the middle of fending of a swarm with 5 Warriors attempting to stunlock you (no stunlocking has NOT been fixed), and suddenly you have a choice of death by bonesword or death by spore mine because there is no way to avoid both.

I was playing on Average to get some Green data and on one wave, spore mines poured out endlessly and literally fill half my screen from half way across the map. I could not even count how many there was. And this is AVERAGE difficulty. 

Just remove them from the game. They're not interesting to fight and just serves to increase frustration from unavoidable deaths. Or just prevent enemies from being able to spawn right on top of you.