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I have no idea what focus developers were thinking when they put the PvP achievement in Datavault

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5 days ago
Feb 7, 2025, 1:46:06 PM

​Most PvP matches have a ping over 100, so no matter how fast I shoot, I usually end up dead. 

On top of that, there’s always at least one cheater in every match. 

Is forcing players to complete PvP achievements in this kind of environment really the kind of update Saber is aiming for?

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5 days ago
Feb 8, 2025, 4:04:01 AM

I figured it was a way to give people a choice and multiple ways to earn points to unlock stuff without having to take part in things they didn't want to do.  For me I don't really do any pvp so I will earn my points from other ordeals and not have to worry about doing pvp.

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8 hours ago
Feb 12, 2025, 11:39:35 AM

Blobie wrote:

I figured it was a way to give people a choice and multiple ways to earn points to unlock stuff without having to take part in things they didn't want to do.  For me I don't really do any pvp so I will earn my points from other ordeals and not have to worry about doing pvp.

But to unlock all ordeal you HAVE to do all challenges including Eternal War. And I think that developers do not play PVP that's why they added almost impossible challenges like ordeal Reconnaissance, like even in Capture and Control mode it's a extremely rare thing when 4 players stay together, this is really lame man and all of that challenges just for the cosmetics and full unlocked in-game museum.

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3 hours ago
Feb 12, 2025, 4:30:00 PM

Yes, the PvP achievements seem too absurd. 

Seriously some of us also don't like PvP, and adding rediculus stuff like these PvP requirments won't even make me want to try achievements. 

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