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Yet another Spore Mine post

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5 hours ago
Feb 23, 2025, 11:49:19 PM

It seems not a day goes by that I don't grow more and more sick of these terribly designed and implemented abominations.

If you use a Thunder Hammer, you cannot smack them away. Nope, instead they instantly detonate and count damage as if you had been hit directly. A mere 2 mines next to each other is all it takes to take you from 4 bars and full health to nearly down and due to multiple "hits" you don't even get most of that as contested.

Your damn new enemy can spawn behind the player before a drop-down that the players have already dropped from and since they are indirect-fire there is nothing you can do about it if you don't have line of sight since the biovore has no AI directive to move TOWARDS the players, ever. Your only recourse is to deal with the spore mine rain from it and run, further breaking the already shattered "power fantasy." 

Remove Spore mines (at least temporarily, from the spawn pool, that way biovores can still show up and spawn them with their attack) is now my official stance since you can't be fucked to fix them in a reasonable amount of time. It has already been a week since you announced that you know that spore mines are a problem in at least their spawn behavior and you have done nothing. Not even communicated an ETA for a hotfix or balance pass at the fun-killing things.

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5 hours ago
Feb 24, 2025, 12:34:22 AM

I've seen a lot of people complain about the spore mines, even before this bugged spawn rate from 6.0.
But personally I think it's a lot more fun with the extra spore mines.
They add a new level of danger to the game and one have to be mindful of the surrounding.
They aren't hard to kill (especially if you can wield the Volkite pistol) and quite easy to dodge as well.

If I would cast my vote I would say to keep the spore mines like they are now.

Or if anything keep it like this on the higher difficulty.
Higher difficulties are supposed to be more challenging so it would fit.

Updated 5 hours ago.
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4 hours ago
Feb 24, 2025, 1:31:03 AM

Rexipher wrote:

I've seen a lot of people complain about the spore mines, even before this bugged spawn rate from 6.0.
But personally I think it's a lot more fun with the extra spore mines.
They add a new level of danger to the game and one have to be mindful of the surrounding.
They aren't hard to kill (especially if you can wield the Volkite pistol) and quite easy to dodge as well.

If I would cast my vote I would say to keep the spore mines like they are now.

Or if anything keep it like this on the higher difficulty.
Higher difficulties are supposed to be more challenging so it would fit.

Go away

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an hour ago
Feb 24, 2025, 4:26:05 AM

Agree with OP, these spores are fucking stupid. What is fun about random “game over” mechanics? When you can see them coming, fine. But these things appear from nowhere, every angle, constant stream, falling from sky, combined with hidden biovores shitting these all over the place. Just not fun. 

They are, in theory, no better than connectivity issues: one minute you’re playing having fun, next second and beyond your control, you’re starting over. 

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